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Author"Destroying th Unholy" too hard now?
4 lost in row, surely its much much harder than it was
really hard
I just played my easiest I tried so far, so I think its random


Keep on fighting!
Actually it's only half right.

Out of the Top 100, only 10 (10%) are above level 12 (?!), and NONE on the top 10 is even above level 9 !

As only hard if you are high level (lvl 10-15). Full arts wouldn't help. Only full enchants will. Out of the 10 'high levels' who made it to Top 100, 6 of them uses max enchants to fight.

So if you are lvl 3-8, it's really pretty easy.
For high Level its High cost with Low result. This is good for low level, time to shine!!
is 10 lvl high?)))
^^ The more u win, the more harder u get, so it's limited edition ;)
>>> For level 10 or above, campaign almost over if can win more than 10 and not wearing full (enchant) arts
^^ As even not enough, i get 1 AFK/battle for 3 fights :(
Well is this too hard? check out what was the 2nd wave xD
srry this is link, srry for double post
I am upset because I cannot take part the Arts required are too expencive for me to obtain.I dont know how anyone can get that much cash without cheating.and Oh yes 95% of the people playing this game cheat
for Dalamar2:
Never join this battle without full art, or u will annoy your team!!
Players recently quit fighting the Unholy Venomancer

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22-33: Chymodan[3] vs Warriors of arena
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22-33: Ajanie[12] vs Evil eyes (55)
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Typo, no BAN pplz!
I more hate it that I cannot participate since I cannot afford might arts and academy of holy magic and my hunt bonus doesn't apply.
So as a caster wizard I am useless.

as a holy caster wizzard i would say you are very helpfull just find 2 good might partners :)
So, what do we do now? Wait for lv 3-5 players get enough keys?

So, what do we do now? Wait for lv 3-5 players get enough keys?

I'm thinking of that, since its only benefit lvl 13+ player
"Destroying th Unholy" too hard now?

Not really. I think I've done only one undead battle after the first vault was opened, but I wouldn't say that the waves suddenly got harder. All you need are the right levels, factions, and build (I don't agree that same level partners stand a better chance than uneven levels)

No offense, but just because you don't have the gold needed for arts doesn't automatically make almost everyone else a cheater. Work hard and enroll like everyone else is doing.
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