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Author"Destroying th Unholy" too hard now?

Out of the Top 100, only 10 (10%) are above level 12 (?!), and NONE on the top 10 is even above level 9 !

Bingo! I saw right away that we had no shot to win this event against the low level players who finish twice as fast. Not wasting my enchants for this unbalanced event.

The first phase had a nice mix of levels in the top 10, not so this time.

Sort of a lame story line to see low level players nobody heard of save the queen but oh well.
They are def harder hehe.

2nd wave has 80 Sphynx Mummies.... against level 7's and a level 6.

I am debating whether I want to go on with this event or not, now.

But oh well, good luck to everyone else! We will need it ;)

Did you even read my post?
It is harder .. for sure .. :) coz of our troops settlements and there are too many black knights .. :)
yes just saying the might wizzard isnt as helpfull as the holy caster (in my opnion)
for xCNxNanda:
he told that he cant afford academy of holy magic =)
yeah i saw.. sorry i missread it first time, saw after i posted lol
I think you're right, the battles are getting realyl hard... Recently I've been playing games where the second wave just killed every unit I had. I got stacks of 23 and 15 black knights against my 38 efk and my friend's 65 gargoyles. They just killed everything in one hit.

Next battle I had had an average difficulty first wave with 4 stacks of mummies (15, 22, 2 and 26). The second wave had 3 stacks of sphinx mummies (around 20-30 in each stack). :(

I don't know if it's because our team wasn't balanced (lvl 5, 8 and 9) but the second wave is really hard...
Bingo! I saw right away that we had no shot to win this event against the low level players who finish twice as fast. Not wasting my enchants for this unbalanced event.

The first phase had a nice mix of levels in the top 10, not so this time.

Sort of a lame story line to see low level players nobody heard of save the queen but oh well.

Exactly. Why have a competition with prizes across all levels when it's so obviously lob-sided and favors the lower levels (not that I have anything against them. I'm happy, in fact, since it means that we have many active lower levels).

They should give out prizes like the Survival tourneys - Prizes for Top 1, 3 or 10 of each level. Would definitely ensure better participation from all levels. Unlike now (just look at the vanguard page), about 80% of those playing the event are lvl 10 and below teams.
haha now real nubs crying, i like it!:) (41)
now that gold cant buy you wins now they find it unfair:))
some ppl here most of times get their wins just solely on their money build, well guess what, money does not rule the world!:>>
now begging for help ha
And just a note to add -

Some high levels want to play, but can't even form a team(!). I just saw a lvl 13, todesh, start a battle with 9 minutes left. After 9 minutes, NO ONE joined him and he fought alone(?). Obviously, he lost horribly.

Do you think he will play again? I think not.
+ #50

Correction. He didn't fight, he just gave up, and I don't blame him.


As a high level knight (high defense, tank units), it's only logical that I join as 2nd player (center of battlefield) and try to protect my allies (probably 1-2 level lower/or with fast but 'weak' troops, like DE, Elf etc). But I hesitate to join any battle I see coz I don't wanna join, and end up having only 2 of us start the battle coz no one else joins as 3rd player, and thus waste my expensive arts.

Just sharing my personal experience (that I believe is shared by quite a number of players), and not a complain in any form. :)
Oh, before anyone brings it up - Being in a MC generally wouldn't really help in forming a team coz at this time of day, most MCs don't have enough players of relevant level to form a team even if they (me) go to clan chat. It's empty. :)
Look at the number of online people... it is difficult for high-lvl players to form a team right now.

I saw some high lvl combats, when the team is balanced and well cooperated, there is still a big chance to win, although enchanted arts may be needed.

IMHO high-lvl players always gain more fun in any type of the past combats and events, so if this long battle favors the other-end and can attract new blood to the game, I definitely support it.
im wilth GGGG on that last part. And also, it is more mid ranged like 5-7 lvl players who are winning.. before third tier upgrades the battles are really challenging.. but i suppose most of u concider that low levels ;)
The idea of increasing difficulty per victory is not so bad. In this way players not doing so well in the previous event have chance to take the honor this event.

As Arctic said, forming a balanced team, you have a chance. Not being able to team up with anyone due to the time zone, that's another problem which needs to be solved somehow. Still, I see some high level players playing during the nights. Maybe you guys should try to organize yourself somehow, independently on what clan you are. Also, 2 might character with a support char of lower level can stand a chance as well.
to GGGG-lol,u dont know what u talking about
we played 15 ,15 14(2players 80 % enchant) and after we beat about 500k hit points just in second wave,next fight were much harder and i m not talking about how long these figts are
to GGGG-lol,u dont know what u talking about
we played 15 ,15 14(2players 80 % enchant) and after we beat about 500k hit points just in second wave,next fight were much harder and i m not talking about how long these figts are

Just checked your combat log curiously, and you won the next one after that bad lose, did you?

I am out of the battle simply because it is too long and easily get bored. If you are not really into it, why not just step out?
haha now real nubs crying, i like it!:) (41)
now that gold cant buy you wins now they find it unfair:))
some ppl here most of times get their wins just solely on their money build, well guess what, money does not rule the world!:>>
now begging for help ha

Just stating the facts, son. You jealous or something? I got my wins last time because I worked my tail off and hooked up with Armenia who is a great general.
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