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AuthorRiddles and Rhymes
he lies the truth???
A prisoner ws given a last chance to save himself. if he says something true / correct he'll be shot dead and if he speaks something wrong he will be burnt into ash. Now what shud he say to save himself?
I am lying.
new price - 500 gold.

He can say only 1 statement.
I've one too.
heres mine.

There was a big castle with a wealthy king.One day they had a party and the king say to the guard not to let anyone in and keep saying NO for every question.Then,1 hour later a guy want to go to the party and ask the guard "Can I come in?" and the guard replied "NO".The guy keep asking but the guard keep saying NO.

The question is:
How can the guy get in the party???
One person can only answer once and the prize is 500 gold.(Only Main character)
for DeathCheaters:

Will you stop me from going in ? :p
for DeathCheaters

Is the king wealthy:lol
For sry:

Will you stop me from going in ?

then the guy ask "Then,can i come in?"
Sorry for double posting but the post #28 was wrong.Back to the real question on post #24.
Prize for correect answer 600g
I happen twice in a moment, once in a minute but never in a billion years. What am I??

LOL i wouldn't work so hard to guess for that 200gold only-.-
Sorry double post,
LOL i wouldn't work so hard to guess for that 500gold only-.-

For DeathCheaters question: Will you guard the castle?
I forgot to tell something important again,The first player that give me the right answer will win the game.
for 30 a M
Here's one:

I have 10 legs, 2 mouths, 4 arms, and 9 eyes.
What am I?

300 gold to the winner.
How can the guy get in the party???

He distracted the guard by throwing stones into the castle whilst hiding behind the bush. Not knowing that the guy was behind the bush, he diced to find the culprit and move away from his guarding point, beside the castle door. As the guard was distracted, he managed to sneaked in.:)
Here's one

which animal walks on 4 legs at first then on 2 legs and finally on 3 legs
Ther is no reward cause this is easy
which animal walks on 4 legs at first then on 2 legs and finally on 3 legs

1st stage: toddle--> crawls usingf hands and legs.
2nd stage: adult--> walks on two legs
3rd stage: Grandmother/grandfather: uses both legs and a walking stick.
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