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AuthorDear Lords!
Oh heaven's tears! Can no-one pass the Councillor....sigh...we await Lord Maia and can only hope that tonight 2300hrs he will be finished with his quest and be the light of our hope....and at last I may then raise myself from my knees. It is most uncomfortable.
Lol. As if the fights were not imbalanced enough, even added Tactician dagger [I10E10F10W10] now. Good luck to anyone who fights, you'll need it :P
Ok I am preparing to fight the councillor, since I am DE 9 and Necro 6 I may have a chance. Please can anyone pm me who has top quality arts (preferably enchanted) that I can rent for one battle

I'm going to pray ton twin gods to stop this impending Doom upon us. *Takes a dagger,makes a deep cut in hand*Let my blood be a sacrifice to our gods to show how dearly I love my blood-brother and don't care about my life.

*Gets a bit giddy*
Twin Gods,give me power !

For Arcti...

Contact him,Lord chris...*giddy*l !

For Arctic !
I have already spoken to the great wizard Brilliant and have rented some arts from him in pursuit of my noble quest
I have Ruby gladius [E10A10W10] if anyone needs
for thrax:

alas Lord,A gladius doesn't quench the need for a Magic Weapon :(

*more giddy*

For Arc....
finally! Granpa have gotten a decision! It's time for a real fight!
Ok I am ready to challenge the mighty lord Feurlis

Wish me luck in battle everyone :)
Good luck Chris! Bring his head back :P
Good Luck Grampa ! Hope my blood will kindle your power !

Go get him granpa!!! Defend the glory of the Empire!
Go..visit the Arena Sir Feur...lis
Lord sry what are doing? Get thee immediately to healer! By the armpit of Dagoth! We have enough wounded without you cutting yourslef to pieces!
for Rilin:

Pardon me noble lady,but I shall not do so.I can't see my brother suffering in prison and if he is (NO !)executed tomorrow then I shall die by his side....
don't worry chrisl you did you're best.Now we need a lvl 15 player to put Feurlis back to reason
Oh no, chris failed... We must wait and hope on Lord Maia victory!

Free Arctic!
I failed, hangs head in shame for not having Magic Build 4 and so no chain lightening :(

I now have built that and if the Councillor will allow it I am quite prepared to fight again
My Lords!!!!

The map! view the map!
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