Author | is it illegal? |
1. For Recruiters: When you recruit any player for 1000 gold, you have to give 900 to the clan. Other 100 is your commission. You must recruit players who are active at-least a week.
I thought it was illegal to do that... |
3.26. Financial pyramids are forbidden in this game (including creating recruiter networks for clans by promising them part of recruitment fees). |
3.26. Financial pyramids are forbidden in this game (including creating recruiter networks for clans by promising them part of recruitment fees).
At least read what's AFTER that...
3.26.1. A clan where the Leader's promises are not brought to realization is considered a financial pyramid. In case when funds were accumulated in a clan for a public purpose (such as purchasing TGI or rare items/sets), and no such purpose has been brought to realization, the prosecution is supposed to present proof from his or her transfer log. Clan leader is held responsible and will be blocked for swindling if the fault is confirmed.
3.26.2. Only clan Recruiters may be awarded for bringing newer recruits into the clan. Clan leaders are advised to limit the recruiting duties to official Recruiters.
Clan ranking systems, as well as any relevant rewards, are still legal, if no other rule is broken in the process. |
It is legal |
for KnightSlayer:
is that legal ? it is forbidden to create financial pyramid with it...r8 ? |
Yes. It is forbidden to recruit people by promising them a profit with further recruiting. It is not forbidden to reward the existing recruiters. |
closed by Lord Patrickou (2010-12-25 15:22:28) |