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AuthorEthics Violation During the Demon Event
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Reason elaborated in post 39]
It is utterly ridiculous to place these actions on equal ground and I know that more than a few WGW members were not at all happy about what was done.

i would say it is WGW internal problem even if the members not happy. i assume they will solve that out internally.

OR, what make you think you have the right to interference other clan internal issue? by using public force?

it would be good to just focus on your ethic theory in this topic :\
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Why post something totally irrelevant to the main idea of the thread? I do not understand you]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Reason elaborated in post 39]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Reason elaborated in post 39]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Reason elaborated in post 39]
Well I changed guilds from my mc but it was because my guild wasn't very active in the war. I got tired of waiting and waiting for battles
and wanted to participate in the war.

So while i think a ethics commitee is good idea
being not able to change mc in long war campaigns does not look so good
to me.

yea the mercenary concept in war is alwayz cool,
but isn't that a non ethical idea at base at hire to the highest bidder no loyalty?
if were talking ethics that merc idea can be used wrong and couldn't every person that comes from another mc guild say that and use it to change guilds?
Takesister your bring a positive point of view.
But its very difficult to be neutral EVERY Lords spend a lot of time and money in this war and doing this post now before the dust settle its not a good timing.
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Reason elaborated in post 39]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Reason elaborated in post 39]
Ethics is one of the hardest things to regulate. The event won by WGW was the enormous effort of WGW during the last day of event and i want to congratulate all WGW for that. In reality, war is bloody and anyone have the right to do what it takes to win. WGW could have won even without EFL's help, there's a stain but that doesn't speak for all of WGW who fought hard during this event. Bringing up the ethical standard so that clan can better define themselves but having an ethical guideline is just impossible because it's either you have it or you don't. Ethical standard can't be set in real life, so it doesn't and shouldn't be so strict here either. As long as you fought hard and do your best to help the clan, you deserve my respect.
I am by no means insisting on the idea of having an MC council/committee. Should such an idea not be found worth realization, the status quo will be preserved.

Also, the fact of creation of such a committee does not mean by itself prohibition of switching MCs during clan-rated events! I could not determine where such an idea could have brought up from my or the topicstarter's posts.
Basically, that committee would forge the rules bu itself - rules acceptable and not too pressuring for all MCs residing in it.
Again, unless Nutella was fully apprised of your reasons for joining EW, why would it be unreasonable to imagine that he thought you were specifically recruited? After all it would be simple enough to manufacture a plausible time-difference to make it appear to be an unrelated incident.

Again, WGW and EFL are allied clans so she knew full well that there was no EW attempt at borrowing players from EFL.

Yes, it all makes sense now, one player leaves a clan to join another and that means that EW is raiding clans, giving the right for a full blown clan to clan recruiting effort. Laughable and I am moving on from this line of thought.
for ViSao:

Tell me why I would want to do another event like this in the spirit of competition when I know that no attempt will be made to fix things that went wrong from the first?

I love competing and it was fun to try and beat WGW, being outnumbered. I used my best arts. If I know things are being allowed that makes it unfair for either side I won't play.

I think most will honor agreements between clans if they were written and voted on. There is no shame in trying to improve things.
for Arctic:
Also, the fact of creation of such a committee does not mean by itself prohibition of switching MCs during clan-rated events! I could not determine where such an idea could have brought up from my or the topicstarter's posts.

It was my idea, Arctic.

What's past is past. What will result from decisons made will shape people's opinions of the MCs and that is up to each individual. Discussing who's right or not is not critical.

What is is to discuss the creation of this committee so this does not happen again.
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Reason elaborated in post 39]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Reason elaborated in post 39]

What started out as constructive comments about an issue that has relevance to a lot of us, is turning to something more personal.

Kindly stay on topic and leave personal attacks/insults out of your posts.
The purpose of this thread is to discuss how to prevent unethical behaviour, not to discuss which clans were and were not being unethical and how they were being unethical in this particular event.
Again, WGW and EFL are allied clans so she knew full well that there was no EW attempt at borrowing players from EFL.

^^ Its still assumption with missing facts unless she said so. Maybe allied members decide by themself to help or switch mc without told their leader. Maybe she bribed them to join. Further more, if there's no doubt or objection about any clan victoy, then can discuss about how mc recruitment (ally option) should be performed during war time. Or can sit here and talk about allegation of ethic violation belief until next war event.
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