Author | Fraction |
I want to know that which fraction is best necro/dark elf/demon. |
All Factions are best,It depends on your skill how you play. |
Dark elf good at level 3, Demon good at level 11 and do not know anything about necro cos i am not a necro b4 |
DE good from lvl 8 because they get Shrews |
All factions are Equal.
All Fractions are less than the whole of things |
Evey faction is the best if your playing style blends well with it. If not it is the worst for you. |
de is he best then elf and necro... |
every faction is the best
every faction becomes best by ur playing skills |
I will repeat myself gain, but...
Well, as always, there is no "best" factions compair others. All have some weak points and strong ones. Mix talents, arts and spell could balance each faction. But keep in mind the most important. It s the player who is weak and not the faction. I could give you many links and name... Some players are playing Knight and to balance this faction are turning Dark Knight. You can beleive me they are more than dangerous, just depends the opponent.
Anyway good luck. |
Infernals are best!
Ppl needed to 3v1 then =P |
Any faction can be the best; BUT definitely not the one you are playing now. © |
Knight Rules with xbows at lvl 8 + |
Any faction can be the best; BUT definitely not the one you are playing now. ©
Ok.Then why there are hardly/none DE in top 10 or 20 in 3 minor tourneys till lvl10 even if we consider diamond users? |
7/8 is the best fraction ever. Don't try to deny it. |
Ok.Then why there are hardly/none DE in top 10 or 20 in 3 minor tourneys till lvl10 even if we consider diamond users?
That's because you're only comparing 1 aspect of it. Why don't you take a look at hunts? |
Any faction can be the best; BUT definitely not the one you are playing now. ©
true! |
pradhyum, I suggest you stay on one faction with your main for a while, and try out other factions with an extra account.
It is legal to have two extra accounts in this game, to test out other races. There are some rules involved though, like not sending gold or resources or transfer anything to or from your extras. Read all rules about it here:
Also, remember that you can change race every 24th hour. (Go to your castle and switch faction)
Some races are very dependant on their faction-skill though. Necromancers for instance want it high, so they can bring more skeletons into battle. Read more about facton-abilities here:
With that said, anything goes. Up to you to find what you like to play.
closed by Lord Agelage (2011-01-07 19:07:57) |