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Author | necromancers low hit points a reason for losing battel |
necro is a good faction and if u use your head it can be the best :)
Any faction can be the best; BUT definitely not the one you are playing now. © | Delay and curse at level 6
Poison and disturbing ray (vulnerabilty) at level 8
Confusion and Summon plantom at level 10, also weakness too.
I don't use curse, because don't affect all and cost half turn to use it.
Confusion do everthing, only half dmg with retail, and archers do half dmg too, so is better than weakness for me, and everyone got huge ap, don't gonna work much. Also master of mind work on mass confusion and delay...
Pain help alot, poison and vulnerability is very nice.
You can try win a game without magic, but if you really want it, you should change to barbarian faction, and you don't need anymore do magics. | You can try win a game without magic, but if you really want it, you should change to barbarian faction, and you don't need anymore do magics.
might necros have their style of play and their own strengths. they r not useless as u think. i don't care which style u follow coz its comfortable to you. but don't say dat might necros are useless.
i feel dat mana necros' vamp doesn't deal anything in lvl 8 and 9. | For shaocan's post 54.
i get a feeling dat u feel my friend would have won dat match if he had more mana. trust me he would have lost even worser.
u say attk shrew with ghost. Dats ridiculous. u r saying as if ghost has 8 speed!!
and lich away from ske? then how u protect bows? u leave them open?
he did Wat he could do the best. a mana necro could have done nothing in dat match. | Dude put skell 4 houses up at distance, you can protect with your army, if he come close to one archer, you can kill with ghost + vamp + skell or lich.
is impossible to block, thurst me, never no one get a chance to block my archers on pvp game...
He was close to shwes dude, he was at 3 houses distance, i know the move speed of all units, and know the distance, look again the replay, what he did, he waste a nice shoot with archers, to kill lizard, it can kill more than 3, oh yeah can kill more, and ghosts can kill one 8 stack shews easy...
Skell can kill more too, if they are close, but no one will put one shew close to archers, he lose very easy... look the combat.
He din't use any spell, if you think he need more mana only to ress, you gonna lose the match again and again and again...
Ok, sorry i no wanna say useless, just strange ok? Im here to try help, but if you don't listen and keep necro with might, good for me, if i find you at enemy team. | 54 is a bad battle for a two reason.
1. Necro shooting liz instead of shrew in the beginning
2. DE was insanely lucky
Also, aniscool is right to an extent. The stack of shrew skelebow shot ghost could not hit. Sure he could kill a different 8 shrew, but not the one he shot.
About mana. At level 8 some is OK, but aniscool is right, necro doesn't need more mana. What is mana good for? Raising? At level 8 a bit, so 3 mana is fine. Disruption ray? Yes, but you shouldn't have 50 mana for disruption ray, that makes no sense. Delay/curse/poison/confusion? Not at all, or you'd need spell power. | Sure need spell power, i awalys say that at my first post, "necro is a mage too, ins't mage of chaos like anouther, he is a mage of darkness, need SP like anouthers mages too"
Let's see amount SP you can get at level 8.
Wizard helmet 1 SP
Wizard attire 1 SP
Cape of magical power 2 SP
Staff of power 2 SP and Know
You can buy this ring and get +2 SP, but gonna be a really bad choice
Without rings, total SP 6
You also, can take more atribute points for talent, some people like ereduction, you can also get more atribute from MG, and from your level points.
Sure need mana, but look up, you have all you need on your hands!
You think a necro with 6 - 8 SP to level 8 is weak? He can do everthing!
Nothing can stop him.
Beast raise, beast mass spells with duration of all battle.
"1. Necro shooting liz instead of shrew in the beginning
2. DE was insanely lucky"
I say to shoot liz after he come close to him, i don't belive he did that move, dude, at level 5, my archer was killing 5 lizard at one shoot. wihout lucky at normal shoot.
try image the sence, is very simple, liz come close to him to kill lichs, archers was with perfect shoot, and nothing can stop him, shews was at behind to cover units and advance secure the rest army, if he kill shew at behind, two things will happen, first one hydras don't gonna advance because, he will attack ghosts to kill, second one lizards will be dead.
And if they kill ghosts, what the problem, he can raise again with mana, and if they kill lich, just raise again, and if kill vampire, raise again!
Sure all this, after you do a simple, and very strong magic, like poison and delay at level 8. Please tell me where im wrong.
He was with 2 lucky, and waste talent point for it, what you waiting? he should get more lucky at this battle. | #67
try image the sence, is very simple, liz come close to him to kill lichs, archers was with perfect shoot, and nothing can stop him, shews was at behind to cover units and advance secure the rest army, if he kill shew at behind, two things will happen, first one hydras don't gonna advance because, he will attack ghosts to kill, second one lizards will be dead.
As a DE player, I find your strategy all wrong.
If the ghosts had went up, it means archers will be left undefended. Shrews can hit and stay to block lich resurrection, and hydras can still move forward, you know. And so your ghosts will be left at the corner, with only the hydras to hit at. And trust me, an attack from hydras or its retal will hurt.
Shoot the liz? I'd say shoot all the shrews first. Its easy to block large-sized units. | You say shews will block him, he was under lich dude, the lich was anways defending him...
And ghosts is a unit 1x stack, ins't 4x4 to defend shews attack, he can defend 1 stack, but never will can defend from shew...
I just cit one point, i din't say all, dude... nvm... If you say 1 ghost can block shews, i don't go keep talking about it.
The problem ins't mine! | Ok you guys was talking he is good, i watch replay again, now i gonna say all wrong moves..
First one shoot lizard at begin. (lizard ins't useless? shews can block him easy? so why he shoot lizard at begim wihout range and you say he is good?)
This make no sence for me.
Second one He put vamp to be a blocker defender, he should use vamps to kill shews.
Third, He waste one lich attack, he can kill one posioner, with ghost, and take range to attack anouther unit, or just kill with hero, its easy to do.
4th optinal, wait with ghost to kill lizard, and let minos come, at the first he make a formation wrong, and can't save lich anyway...
5th advance with ghost, with no one close to him at shew range, i call this a suicide.
6th necro at level 8 is a range faction you should explore it, no try advance with ghosts like he did..
7th din't shoot liz.
8th put skell close to lich
9th din't infect hydra
10th no have enough mana and talent to do mass spells and ress better
I don't gonna talk about it anymore, should have more fails, but i just look it two times now, and i really din't like this fight, one mistake can cost the ballte and 10?
If he is good he never will lose one battle, good playes never lose.
And i don't gonna talk about this anymore, because its obvius, if he lose something is wrong at this battle. and ins't 2 lucky. | What we can see at this? If he save ghost at start he can kill shews after or units to come close, necromancer have the range power, so he need come close.
What we see more? never suicide your troops.
What more? don't waste your range power puting they close to anouther outher..
What more? poison kill? yes.
What more? He have chance to win this battle, with this build talents and formation if the enemys din't get lucky no one time? No.
Dude, i don't gonna talk about this anymore. | why are we even discussing this battle here,it has nothing to do necromancers low hit points a reason for losing battel-_- | for Shaocan:
If he is good he never will lose one battle, good playes never lose.
and that guy has 99 defeats lol you have no rights to tease me | if he is good he never will lose one battle, good playes never lose.
and that guy has 99 defeats lol you have no rights to tease me
lol.thats right
stop it Shaocan
you are not a necro expert so stop commenting on others battle | If he is good he never will lose one battle, good players never lose.
well, no matter how good you are, you will still can lose.
take note that: there are someone always better than you out there, but you just havent meet him; or maybe sometimes luck doesnt favor you.
it is nothing to be shame on lost. it is just a pre path to win in next battle :) © | 70:
First one shoot lizard at begin. (lizard ins't useless? shews can block him easy? so why he shoot lizard at begim wihout range and you say he is good?)
This make no sence for me.
That's what I said. Not that he shot liz when in was in range, because he didn't. But either way, why would you want mana for mass darkness spells? It's not any better than might build, and you're screwed vs. a barbarian or wizard (wizard since who cares about their troops just kill you with spells, cursing and delaying them won't make a dif) | Everything has it's advantages and disadvantages. Pure might build can work, so can darkness build. From my point of view darkness has become much more versatile since 2nd update and the introduction of 5x5 area for darkness spells. In my experience it is very usefull as a nec to take advantage of this in events or pvp (eihter duel or group).
Especially dominion of pain with mass disruption ray is worthy a 2nd thought, as you don't need to sacrifice statpoints for spellpower. It's a simple calculation if you take for instance basic darkness + dominion of pain and you change 1 statpoint from attack to knowledge, you can easily disrupt 3 enemy stacks reducing their defense by 4, so this truly is worth the cost even in low ap enviornment.
To the battle at hand first of all it was low ap, necs shine at full ap battles (due to their large hp), second the talent choice was rather bad 25 talentpoint would go nicely with either vitality (might build) or basic nature + dominion of life + basic erudition (raise build without additional sp needed) or basic darkness + dominon of pain (no sp needed) or mind ( 3 sp needed) + basic eruditon. Third agaist DE there's a simple rule for nearly every faction and that is kill shrews first, unless a big stack comes into range of bows.
But this all has rather less to do with the proposed weakness of necs due to low hit points as suggested by the starter of the topic, which I can wholeheartily reject.
Maybe you can continue your discussion in the appropiate thread: | 73
I start do MG at level 5, yeah a got alot losts, but at 1v1, only 3 at level 5, i was fighting, without ap, with my build mass delay, agains a elven full ap, one time i almost win 1 keeper left.
After i finish my build i was 2x more strong than any faction with my wrong mass spell.
Look after that on my 1v1 battles, if you find anymore else i give 1k gold for you. per each.
We here to talk about necro faction or about me? im confuse.
74. you can say what you want, but please give deatils, if i wrong at some one point, explain, is easy talk and judge he "youre bad" but why im bad?
75. i tottaly agree with you.
76. you right, nothing prove mass spell is better than might, but at my vision if necro have talent of darkness so cheap per only 7 talent points and its help alot, can change all battle, why not invest on it?
And about get ever time easy games and no dif to win, and why not? | few facts:
1st player to reach CG1 is necro...
Only necro can kill all factions with same faction level after faction 6 and CL12 (counts do wonders)...
Only necro can match wizz in MG...
Only necro has 2 units that heal themselves (vamp and appa)...
Necro is perfect thief killer at lvl12+...
Need more??? I can search through my combat log and find you darkness necro in tourney... Only smart elf can beat that combo: a30, d25+, sp5+ and 120 mana for making your day a wreckage...
Like lowering guards to deff 10 :)
My only mistake is that I played other factions too much and now I'm low necro 8...
But working on it... | 77 and 79 say everthing they know alot with necro, who wanna start should listen they. |
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