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Author | What does basic nature magic do? |
what kind of spells and what are the effects.. | Basic Nature allows you to learn and cast Level 3 spells and enhances all Nature spells.
The list of spells are here:
The improvement to the spells by Basic Nature are listed in the spell descriptions themselves.
No Talent effects are by the image of three bars, all grey
Basic Talent effects are by the image of three bars, first one green, second and third grey
Advanced Talent effects are by the image of three bars, first and second green, last one grey
Expert Talent effects are by the image of three bars, all green.
Example: for Raise Dead - without any talents, you raise 120+15*Spell power worth of units, but with Basic Nature, you raise 136+17*Spell power | But as Combat level 5 as you are here is you bonus on Magic Punch :
Without Basic nature : 20+4*Spell power
With Basic nature : 25+5*Spell power
Since you have 0 in knowledge and 0 in spellpower, this talent is a pure waste for you. prefer rain of arrow or basic fortune as elf.
Good luck. | thanks | closed by DarkSooth (2011-01-29 01:55:15) |
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