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DE for example destroys a wizard in a 1v1. Barbs can do as well.
Care to back this up? I'll accept that barbs destroy wizards, but I would say the exact opposite for dark elves, at least till level 9 (and I would think so for level 10 too, but I won't make that claim). If you want proof, tell me and I'll look through my combat log for my combats against a dark elf.

As for the idea itself, I would love it, but it would be unfair to any might player, especially barbs. As it is, wizards are benefitted by getting a choice of parameters, because 1 sp or 1 kn is far better than 1 attack or 1 defense. (I am perpetually confused by people who take attack from merc guild, and then use magic arts all the time for holy magic).
DE for example destroys a wizard in a 1v1
lol 2 punches from wizards will kill 2.5 rogues out of 7 . The 4.5 rogues most of the time is not enough to kill gargoyles unless they charge bfore magi uses his both punches. Wizzys are one of the weakness of DE early lvl.
Lol my mistake I read 1v1 as lvl1 . Sorry.But still DE are weak to wizzys till mid lvl.
Wizards are overpowered?

Noramlly the game i pretty balanced, but in 3vs3, atleast in lvl 13 magic is a bit overpowered. But this is not me complaining about wiz is more me complaning about balance isues in 3vs3.

2vs2 is fine for the various faction and builts

Also I agree that some people come with outlandish claims behind your resoning for the idea. But still a small -1 from here, I see no real need to implement it.
Wizards are overpowered? Care to back up your claims or must I asume that is the usual drivel I get?
So where do wizards dominate exactly?
No, DE for example destroys a wizard in a 1v1. Barbs can do as well.
Group PvP?
No, it is the only field where this game is relatively balanced.
Hunts? Mercs?

o really thats only 2 factions and that too not impossible to win
+(to add) if u feel wizard are weak be a barb or demon or delf.
i have heard this first time that wizards are weak
wizards are the most domination faction against me as i have played the whole game as a knight.
and what about hunts just strike ur wand down n u win the hunt.
benefits in MG too.
wizards are the most domination faction against me as i have played the whole game as a knight.

Every faction have a other faction that proves very difficult. But trust me wizard is no more overpowered in 1vs1 than any other faction.

1vs1 is balanced, there may be somesetups there is not, but overall balanced.
2vs2 is also balanced but less setup that is unbalanced.
i have heard this first time that wizards are weak against Delf {sorry i forgot to mention them :P}
for Khellendros:
true there is tremendous balance maintained
mage knights are dominant against every faction (except wiz)
but we knights can be killed with little bit of luck
but against a wiz no matter how much i get lucky i can't win
only chance is afk :P
but against a wiz no matter how much i get lucky i can't win

Some wizard feel thee same way about barbariens...

But I agree that there could be less certain outcomes in 1vs1. But to say wiz i overpowered is wrong. People can by same rights claim it about knights
"for Khellendros:
true there is tremendous balance maintained
mage knights are dominant against every faction (except wiz)
but we knights can be killed with little bit of luck
but against a wiz no matter how much i get lucky i can't win
only chance is afk :P"

And a DE at my level destroys me as well. Shrews shred half of my army in their first 2 turns and Gargs cannot outrun Shrews since they got the same speed plus Gargs cannot get morale for extra turns.

So would I go into a thread demanding a player being banned because he want a change/improvement to DE or Barb or giving them "-10000000" because I do not agree with them?

Some really childish behaviours occur on these forums.
for Khellendros:
But I agree that there could be less certain outcomes in 1vs1. But to say wiz i overpowered is wrong. People can by same rights claim it about knights
i'm not complaining.
its just that i'm giving a valid reason y this idea is not good.
And a DE at my level destroys me as well.
do u even need a turn to kill shrews?
y r magi for ?
well i guess u only concentrate on running with gargs.
n wizards don't need any strategy :D
just play as an athlete and u win.lol
Shrews can act 2-3 times depending on morale until I can do anything regardless of my troops. Do you even know what you are talking about? Do you know how much damage I eat until that point? Do you realize that my bonus damage applies to hunts and mercs only and I do a fraction only in any PvP/caravan battle of what I do in mercs and hunts?
I dislike players like you who got zero knowledge about a faction but write like they know the faction inside out.

Do you see me claiming stupid crap about knights?

Well I can return the favour on your very low level of discussion:

"LOL knight no need strats just def with guardians and shoot with Xbowmen lulz just play as punching bag and you win! roflz"

This forum needs an ignore function it seems so I can really block out players like you.
Also, please, start improving on your english language skills it is difficult to read your posts.
And before you complain that english is not your native language let me tell you something, it is not my native language either.
1)i can win a delf being a wiz i know it and i'm confident about it.
2)i know what i talk depending on morale b4 u were telling some different stories now let me explain u if u don't know to play
genes are the only one which can be attacked by shrews
2 cases(not if they are split)
i)if it can reach a gene any lord will attack n if it morale then it can attack it again so only genes will die but gargs r safe.
ii)if they can't reach gene then too ur not such a .. to leave ur gargs open u might cover them with 3-6 golems it will take time to get through them n ur hero will have the chance of spelling shrews n once shrews are gone u can become an athlete again.(also if they split)
so guys point me if i'm wrong.

for Shagan:
please stop crying like a kid.
1.) you got 0 faction points in Wizard. How you even think that you can beat a DE confidently is just laughable.
2.) Ever heard of tactics? Check your talent wheel again might help you.
3.) It's "Genie" not "Gene"
4.) I can't kill Shrews in one turn.
5.) We can theorycraft all day long but in the end I am the one with the real experience here, unlike you who never played wizard at CL 10.
6.) Must be really hard getting one stack down with shrews to get access to Gargs. Not.
I know some higher level players who told me the same, that as DE they destroy wizard 1v1 just fearing them in 3v3 or 2v2 because here his partner can help him out sufficiently and thanks to all troops being so close spells like Meteor Swarm or Fireball hurt much more.

For Niranjan:
Please stop posting like you got 0 clue about anything.
not if they are split
if they are not split
i don't know why does this happen?
no faults n my keyboards
n besides crosses die first in duels
i keep only 47 due to low initiative nothing is left so what are u talking about?
you got 0 faction points in Wizard. How you even think that you can beat a DE confidently is just laughable.
well i was thinking u were talking about all wizards
o if u can't beat a delf i'm very sorry for you
It's "Genie" not "Gene"
my message is been conveyed to u
languages are just meant for that .
remember shrews are the only high initiative troop for DE, if wiz able to cast lightning on them, DE lose,
if DE having 4,5 morale they don't have tactics, or it should be full art PvP(why wiz join with min art)
overall might DE always weak v/s Magic Wiz unless wiz hero doing something stupid(troop setting or talent selection etc)
Wiz unless wiz hero doing something stupid(troop setting or talent selection etc)
thats right.shrews can't kill garg.
shagan must hv lost to some delf thats y he is crying.
"you got 0 faction points in Wizard. How you even think that you can beat a DE confidently is just laughable.
well i was thinking u were talking about all wizards
o if u can't beat a delf i'm very sorry for you
It's "Genie" not "Gene"
my message is been conveyed to u
languages are just meant for that . "

That did not make any sense.
If you cannot beat a wizard as DE I feel sorry for you by the way.
See, idiotic comments can go both ways. So maybe you want to start bringing forth arguments instead of your boring ad hominem attacks.

"remember shrews are the only high initiative troop for DE, if wiz able to cast lightning on them, DE lose,
if DE having 4,5 morale they don't have tactics, or it should be full art PvP(why wiz join with min art)
overall might DE always weak v/s Magic Wiz unless wiz hero doing something stupid(troop setting or talent selection etc) "

That is totally level and AP dependant. At higher levels you can get high morale and Tactics easily.

Might DE might be weak at lower levels, but the higher the level and AP the more DE does dominate a wizard in duels.

Not that duels mean anything.
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