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Is there any chance of world war -3?


AuthorIs there any chance of world war -3?

In 2002, the Guardian reported that, “The US military build-up in the former Soviet republics of central Asia is raising fears in Moscow that Washington is exploiting the Afghan war to establish a permanent, armed foothold in the region.” Further, “The swift construction of US military bases is also likely to ring alarm bells in Beijing.”[1]

In 2004, it was reported that US strategy “is to position U.S. forces along an "arc of instability" that runs through the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, the Caucasus, Central Asia and southern Asia. It is in these parts of the world --generally poor, insular and unstable --that military planners see the major future threats to U.S. interests.”[2]

In 2005, it was reported that talks had been going on between the US and Poland since 2002, along with various other countries, “over the possibility of setting up a European base to intercept long-range missiles.” It was further reported that, “such a base would not have been conceivable before Poland joined Nato in 1999.”[3]

In November of 2007 it was reported that, “Russia threatened to site short-range nuclear missiles in a second location on the European Union's border yesterday if the United States refuses to abandon plans to erect a missile defence shield.” A senior Russian “army general said that Iskander missiles could be deployed in Belarus if US proposals to place 10 interceptor missiles and a radar in Poland and the Czech Republic go ahead.” Putin “also threatened to retrain Russia's nuclear arsenal on targets within Europe.” However, “Washington claims that the shield is aimed not at Russia but at states such as Iran which it accuses of seeking to develop nuclear weapons that could one day strike the West.”[4]

This is a patently absurd claim, as in May 2009, Russian and American scientists released a report saying “that it would take Iran at least another six to eight years to produce a missile with enough range to reach Southern Europe and that only illicit foreign assistance or a concerted and highly visible, decade-long effort might produce the breakthroughs needed for a nuclear-tipped missile to threaten the United States.”[5] Even in December of 2007, the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) released by all 16 US intelligence agencies reported that, “Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 and that the program remains frozen.”[6]

Russia has concerns not only about missile interceptors in Poland, which it claims are aimed at Russia, but is also concerned about “an advanced missile-tracking radar that the Pentagon wants to place in the Czech Republic.”[7] Further, in 2007, the Guardian reported that, “Russia is preparing its own military response to the US's controversial plans to build a new missile defence system in eastern Europe, according to Kremlin officials, in a move likely to increase fears of a cold war-style arms race.” A Kremlin spokesman said of the Polish missile defenses and the Czech radar system, that, “We were extremely concerned and disappointed. We were never informed in advance about these plans. It brings tremendous change to the strategic balance in Europe, and to the world's strategic stability.”[8]

In May of 2008, it was reported that, “President Dmitri A. Medvedev of Russia and President Hu Jintao of China met ... to conclude a deal on nuclear cooperation and together condemn American proposals for a missile shield in Europe. Both countries called the plan a setback to international trust that was likely to upset the balance of power.”[9]

In July of 2008, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that it “will be forced to make a military response if the U.S.-Czech missile defense agreement is ratified,” and that, “we will be forced to react not with diplomatic, but with military-technical methods.”[10] In August of 2008, the US and Poland reached a deal “to place an American missile defense base on Po
would be nice:p
In July of 2008, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that it “will be forced to make a military response if the U.S.-Czech missile defense agreement is ratified,” and that, “we will be forced to react not with diplomatic, but with military-technical methods.”[10] In August of 2008, the US and Poland reached a deal “to place an American missile defense base on Polish territory.” Russia responded by “saying that the move would worsen relations with the United States.”[11] Russia further said “the US had shown that Russia was the true target of the defensive shield, as tension between the two powers continued to rise over the conflict in Georgia.” The Deputy Head of Russia’s general staff “warned that Poland was making itself a target for Russia's military.”[12]

It was further reported that, “General Anatoly Nogovitsyn said that any new US assets in Europe could come under Russian nuclear attack with his forces targeting ‘the allies of countries having nuclear weapons’,” and that, “Such targets are destroyed as a first priority.”[13]

In April of 2009, Obama said, “that the U.S. missile defense system in the Czech Republic and Poland will go forward.”[14] In May of 2009, Russia said that it “could deploy its latest Iskander missiles close to Poland if plans to install U.S. Patriots on Polish soil go ahead.”[15] In July of 2009, Russian President Medvedev said that, “Russia will still deploy missiles near Poland if the US pushes ahead with a missile shield in Eastern Europe.”[16]
*gulp* hMmm..nah the world will get destroyed by natural calamities..so nah WW III won't be that harmful =.=
Nah, natural disasters and nuclear missles aren't that powerful. Maybe destroy all the major cities and lots of people would die, but it's not the end of the world. Aliens would destroy us all.
Aliens would destroy us all.
We are the aliens.
May be there is war in some Europe areas and Russian land

I hope not..I don't want Maxim and Alexander run away and this game ruined
The world powers are scrambling to align themselves for the eventual collapse of the global economic system.

Gold and silver skyrocketing can't be attributed solely to speculators but they do play a part.

Fiat currency will not continue as it is in the current system. There are nothing but promises to back debt and a debt-based society will eventually meet an end.

If we aren't heading for war, I would love to know why there is an arms buildup currently happening?

If the past 5000 years is any barometer, then yes, we are heading for a major war.

The multinational giant companies that exist today play a huge part in keeping some peace as nobody wants to cut their own throat in a nasty divorce. If the glue that binds us together is gone, well, we shall see where it all goes.

Just my opinion.
The world powers are scrambling to align themselves for the eventual collapse of the global economic system.

True ....

There is more than this, with the economy going like this, and this really keeps up, you can wait for a true WW III soon .... nuclear holocausts, big forces such as US and many others fighting for oil ( mainly ) ... and more and more ....

Brave yourselves Lords and Ladies, either we are gonna face a war or our following generations are gonna face one or many ...
I don't think the Americans will go to war to anyone. So if there is a war, it will probably be between the countries in Asia, since even in Europe the countries have formen alliances and are in peace. The Koreans however are not in peace, so probably will start from there and spread after that.
for DarknessDoom:
You are right. The Asian countries have the technology and are unstable.

Europe- has technology but are stable.
Americans- just likes bombing 3rd world countries back into the stone age and don't really want any wars.
South America- are too busy developing.
Africa- only doing tribal wars and don't have real military.

But if World War III happens, it'll be short and contained mostly to the Asian countries that start it. I'm still going for the alien theory or the discovery of a true womd that can take out entire countries.
Got a point there ... but a war in Asia, I don't want to be wiped out X_X :P
When I noticed the header of this thread and later took a closer look reading the comments and following the discussion held here for some reason a quote by Gordon Gekko (from a 'Wall Street' movie) came up to my mind. Gordon used to say: "Greed is good". Well, to me greed is a root of most evil things that happened in the past, are happening right now and will happen in the future.

If the time will come when greedy corporations will at least cut their appetite for capturing world's natural resources forcing their countries' goverments involving their homelands in those war conflicts that are widely covered in the press (that's mostly controlled by those corporations themselves, their commercial groups, their owners and their major share holders) as 'war on _insret something that'll suite best here_' with a prime objective of taking control over some gas, oil, mines etc., then we'll probably could tell that the world is not heading for it's [arguably] most painful and [probably] ultimate global conflict.

Unless it happens I tend to agree that the world's slowly but surely heading that pessimistic direction.

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones". - Albert Einstein

Seems like good old Al knew exactly what he was talking about.
Well...lets hope we get another thirty years or so..i wanna grow a bit old beh :D...the worlds not gonna end...humanity will survive,but the highest probability is that Fanatics Muslims will start the war for the name of God which will end in many people dying....lets see..maybe soon we will have to be riding horses again lol and living like in middle ages....hope not though...i like technology :P
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones". - Albert Einstein

Seems like good old Al knew exactly what he was talking about.

yup, pretty much true but who knows ? the world after the World War III might turn into " Water World " ( for those who know the movie ) or in the best conditions, it might turn into " Star Wars " ....

but as you said, middle age is a possibility
World war III
i,ll just go hide in some carribean island...hope not get washed over by some cunami or choked by radiation....as long as my pc is there and the cold coconut juice,i will prosper :D
tomorrow il be 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!! noone forget!!w000t!!!!!!!!!!!!Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Super sweet 16!!!!!!!^^
tomorrow il be 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!! noone forget!!w000t!!!!!!!!!!!!Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Super sweet 16!!!!!!!^^
Will this cause WW3? :D
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