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AuthorNeed help on faction.
Which faction should be? With which can i Have the most fun?
Good in hunts and GBs...no wiz please.
That depends, On what type you play, Ranged , Melee , or Magic.
Melee i guess :)
Dark elf, then
is it fun? better than barb/demon? better than necro also?
yes De is a fun faction of all time
better than barb/demon? better than necro also?
sry for double post but:
please help
for wiNd-riDeR:
We did.....
if u want melee,demon is good because u may not need magic at all.later in de u will need magic.barb i dnt know exactly what happenned after the upgrade.
DE is the best!!!
so which demon or de?
just start with one...after sometime if u feel its not for you,change.
i can.. but no.. i will go once on 1 way..

so 1 faction please...i have tried many factions....knight my ex account (ARTisian) and necro (nekroblood)... but i got bored..something interesting to play with now.
elf is better than DE.
try elf
but low faction level is a pain compair high, i will just suggest you to choose one increase this one, check this help board to have an idea on bonus added with faction level on your troops :

Demon :D
okay i will continue with necro.
closed by wiNd-riDeR (2011-06-10 13:00:29)
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