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Author[News] Assist the Packmasters!
will we get some achievement for this mini event????
I hope no.
For thieves this event has started much earlier and the battles are unbalanced, first for the thieves and later on for the protectors..cause loosing against packmaster reduces difficulty for next times.
If there will be 2 categories of awards - for thieves and non-thieves - then it`s ok, otherwise kind of silly.
Anyway, obviously this event is made to introduce the transport - elephants, buffaloes, stallions - which we will be able to rent in the near future.
any possible if admin could change the role of defender?

for now, those defender keep hiding behind those elephant, cow and donkey; spam range and spells while packmaster pets cutting down thief troops. in the same time, not to mention that those pets have better stats than a tier 7 unit XD

since when a bodyguard should hide behind his boss? :)

how about change the rule to: "packmaster must survive else lose."? just like the vanguard, what's the point if packmaster is dead when he is the one you should protect?

it reduce the camping style while speed up the battle as well .
any possible if admin could change the role of defender?

I concur good sir knight = )
maybe this event just introduces the animals that make u travel faster?

seems like first part of event was for those who got tgi

second part is for nontgmember to have a look at those animals

think there is no need to complain

i just enjoy and have some fun

by the way: i like the exp/fsp ratio and keep on fighting even i know i loose with min arts for sure
+1 to 102 these battles are impossible without enchants.
I've lost so many times that whenever a player helps a Packmaster, there's only one animal there. XD
This makes it interesting
But by the time we reach that point, the event may have ended already
How about a wizard thief destroying druid and his bodyguard in cheapest 10 AP possible? =)

Im lvl 13 so how i supost to win with other player whos lvl 13 + packmaster
thank you for great balancing O_o so thats a great event for thieves ? i think its great event for non-TGI holders :(

kill the thiefs!!!most probably we die : )
pang good idea yes, but lvl 14 with ench can kill lvl11 on blink of an eye with bows
great event for thieves
wasn`t even supposed to be
How long is this event going to last?
anybody there to ambush me?
Fight 2 & won them but no animal for ride :(

is there any formula?
is there any formula?

yes, =rand()
Buff!! , 1st time I win a battle against Packmaster CL12 + Wizz CL12 in full arts.

31503 xp + 6.6 fsp

Still is very hard and unbalanced even with enchants.
event is over from my part, final score unless i count wrong 21 loses and 35 victoryes
I stop now also... no point to lose every battle with Full arts against player+packmaster

82,5k xp 5,15 fsp

Epic victory!
Buff!! , 1st time I win a battle against Packmaster CL12 + Wizz CL12 in full arts.

You won 'cause there were very few animals

take a look to this one:
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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