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AuthorRiots in Britain
We toppled a dictator using peaceful protests. Aren't first world country supposedly more educated?
Hate to break it to you pang, but china is on the Asian continent. But you do know that right?
We toppled a dictator using peaceful protests Elaborate please. Peace is what all men desire (unless they praise satan)
You probably know what I mean. "American dream" is a synonym for the believe, that you can get a millionaire if you only work hard enough.
Yeah, but it was funny. I don't hear the term "American Dream" used in reference unrelated to America :)
By the way it's no longer 1 million. That was for my grandparents' generation. Due to inflation it's 2 million now. :)

Pfft, on in Cali Pan Pan, you'll are special, a million would still work for me :P
The ones I truly feel sorry for are the 200 or so that came out on Saturday that were actually peacefully protesting the shooting. Most have since come out publicly against the shooting, but the thugs have just completely destroyed the actual message.
a million would still work for me :P maybe when gold was 300 per ounce but soon it'll be 2000 per ounce. That's a whole lot less buying power. Say about 1/7th. And how long before it's 3000? I say <12 mths.
oh well, i know China is part of the Asia and i m sure alot people knew that as well.

but, why the hell you should just straight away think to China when talk on Asia? China = Asia OR Asia = China? come on, since when there is only 1 country in Asia? oh well, i gonna cut this topic off from my part. it is getting off topic.

let's stay on topic. it was surprise that even those rioter post the picture on about what they loot to public. a part of showing off, it also show that people nowadays were fallen. bad guys are getting more; good guys just die too fast :(
Pang. China is on topic. The consumer goods the boys looted? Where were they made again? And the boys did they have jobs? No? So unemployed boys wanting stuff made in a place with few human rights. China is a perfect example.good guys just die too fast :( This is the crying shame of history no matter how near or far back you care to look.
Please do not drag other country's political or social aspects on this topic.Keep on topic.
The fact that the boys from UK had no jobs was a big reason they were out rioting.

Irony is that the huge manufacturing bases of these countries (UK used to make all TVs in their own land) was pushed offshore in the interest of profits.

So where are we now? Jobless looting scum who desire things from lands who have no human rights. Sickening.
a million would still work for me :P maybe when gold was 300 per ounce but soon it'll be 2000 per ounce. That's a whole lot less buying power. Say about 1/7th. And how long before it's 3000? I say <12 mths.

It hasn't been at 300 in....a few decades :p

Even at it's current value, $1mil is a ton of buying power.

And at $2k/ounce it's actually not at historic highs. Do some research first.
i got 200000kg of gold under my bed

search for Philippine People's Power in the net.
This is from wikipedia.

The People Power Revolution (also known as the EDSA Revolution and the Philippine Revolution of 1986) was a series of popular demonstrations in the Philippines that occurred in 1983-86. The methods used amounted to a sustained campaign of civil resistance against regime violence and electoral fraud. This case of nonviolent revolution led to the departure of President Ferdinand Marcos and the restoration of the country's democracy. It has been an inspiration for the Revolutions of 1989 that contributed to the ending of communist dictatorships in Eastern Europe.[1] It is also referred to as the Yellow Revolution due to the presence of yellow ribbons during the demonstrations and the arrival of Benigno Aquino, Jr..[2][3] It was widely seen as a victory of the people against the 20-year running authoritarian, repressive[4] regime of then president Ferdinand Marcos and made news headlines as "the revolution that surprised the world".[5]
i got 200000kg of gold under my bed

Can I have a loan plz? :p
He is giving those money to the damaged shops and others EndWiggin :p
And at $2k/ounce it's actually not at historic highs. Do some research first.
Rubbish you need to do research mate it would seem. Tell me when gold was ever higher than now? Mate how old are you? Have some respect for your elders. I didn't come in with the morning mail... unlike some.

Between Jan 00 and Jan 02 Gold was BELOW $300 per ounce. Please kids stay in school.
hey guys....what is the riots all about can anyone explain to me about it?
hey guys....what is the riots all about can anyone explain to me about it?

It's about being a no-hope youth surrounded by wealth you can't forsee ever having. It started with police killing a man under dubious circumstances in Tottenham, London.
DarwenAward ..tell me about it completely please ?
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