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AuthorRiots in Britain
for DarwenAward:
Err.. I never said they were insignificant. There are many problems with representation:
1.) They have no leaders. No leaders means no representation and no decision-maker.
2.) Like everything in life, it costs money. Who's going to pay?
3.) Even if someone wants to be a leader, who actually knows or can find all the rioters?
4.) Would the rioters want a leader?
5.) Would they agree on the same leader?
6.) Would they want to cooperate with each other?

Because the rioters aren't actually organized there is really no one for the govt to negotiate with. You can't negotiate with random individual faceless rioters. The only thing the govt can do is arrest each individual and then talk to each person.

for kiwi:
Err... I'm sure you still get something out of it. I'm sure the govt of your workplace/residence does many things that you take for granted such as police, fire fighters, roads, etc. Not being able to vote only just means you have no representation; it doesn't mean you don't still benefit from having a govt. And indirectly you also benefit. I'm sure you won't be able to live or work there if there wasn't a govt and it's a lawless region. Just be happy you only pay 20-30%. I would love to pay so little.

1.) They have no leaders. No leaders means no representation and no decision-maker.
2.) Like everything in life, it costs money. Who's going to pay?
3.) Even if someone wants to be a leader, who actually knows or can find all the rioters?
4.) Would the rioters want a leader?
5.) Would they agree on the same leader?
6.) Would they want to cooperate with each other?

This would mean there is no solution unless the riots die out or else the police figure out the rioters and get them... which would mean more loss of life, property etc.,.

I dunno if u guys noticed.. American Dollar lost its value long back.. Now The value of GB Pound is gonna go down if this continues...
I fail to understand how can people on these forums talk so casually about killing young kids.... young kids who see no future for themselves in the present state of affairs...


Have a nice day !
for Yuvika: true...a kid aged 11 ! appeared in court over the riots he obviously isn't going anywhere in life...but i'm sure killing him wouldn't be helpful
a kid aged 11 ! will do what his peers are doing... he does not understand the cause of the riots... its fun to torch a bus... and he will do it if he can as will you or i ....
and he will do it if he can as will you or i ....

I can assure you, I will never torch a bus for fun, my parents taught me right and wrong O.o
This is a short video featuring local MP speaking of the strange Police behavior prior to the riots. Why was the vehicle removed from the scene? To plant or remove evidence? Tampering with evidence is serious business


To those who say the youths have no leaders and therefore no representation that is what the mainstream media want you to think. What about local MPs? What about older members of the community where they are from? Yes these peole do exist but are not treated respectfully when they shed light on the fact that this can be seen in a political context as shown here. Shame on you BBC.


And then we arrive at the outcome.

Who benefits?

Well, the powers that be are already clamping down on freedom of speech; on the internet and cellphone services especially.
The insurance companies who say damage is in the region of 200 million Pounds are entitled by UK law to be compensated by the British taxpayer! Yeah that's right. Big business does well. Small businesses pay higher insurance premiums. The British taxpayer (predominantly middle class) foot the bill. All the while the lower classes are further maligned. This is our world, today.
@ Pantheon, i am sure the riotters also get all the benefits you mentioned.
they have roads right? they have all basic needs in life, for eveything else, start working to improve your life and not complain about it, nothing more can be said about it, they are just sad people.
start working sure is oversimplifying the unemployment problems in our modern economies...
for kiwi:
Of course; the first issue govt address is for the public good. After that they tinker around with various things to help out certain groups of people.

Govt don't just take your tax money and line their pockets (at least not all of it). You still get back some sort of benefit from govt.
@ pantheon, i know i am not complaining about what i get, of course i get something, not much though as corruption here is so normal that most of the money goes into peoples pockets, and thats not gonna change, not even by riotting or killing.

What i am complaining about is the riotters in england, violence brings you nothing. if you want a better life, start getting an education instead of dropping out (too expensive go to the netherlands, cheap university for 4 years for all european countries), and start finding a job instead of complaining only.

I am not saying the government is not to blame for the high level of unemployment, i am just saying that you control your own life, so stop blaming others and do something, there are thousands of people like them who did find a job and have a better life now.

You can complain when you life in a hunger strikken African country and cant choose your life, not when you live in europe where you can do an much as you want to do.
@ DarwenAward
you are right it is oversimplifying, however for most of the riotters it is thr truth. and i did not mean start working, i said - start working to improve your life- whether thats by work or to study or anything else depends on the person, however you dont do it by blaming others and destroying other peoples property
for kiwi:
Well, by continuing your line of thinking, then even if a person is in poverty in some African country, they can still choose their life by educating themselves and working hard, or they can move to a slightly better region or country.

As for the rioters, can you really blame them for making the choices they are making now? Let's say you are a dropout, can't study to save your own life, have no skills, no jobs available, and then you see a bunch of people rioting and stealing stuff you only had dreamed of owning.

It's really up to the individual. No matter how hard life is, they can still better it. And the reverse is true as well.
@ pantheon,

I think there is a difference of living in an impoverished nation compared to living in England. They work hard to make their life better and generally not complain even though in my opinion they have the right to ask for help. but ok, lets forget about that example then if you feel they are the same.

As for the rioters. yes you can blame them, they are making the choices right. If i am a dropout i choose for that myself, if i then riot and steal i should be punished by the law, as we are all subject too.
- Can't study? isn't that a choice, you can always study, for some easier then others but everyone can, that's why we have a brain. we are not monkeys (oh even they can study to do things)
- no skills? go back to study
- no jobs? sorry but there is always a job, just depends if you wanna do it

I know that what they are doing right now is the easiest choice, and in some level I understand that they take that choice, but I do not agree and will never. everyone controls there own life, many people take the easy choice, which is ok but if it is against the law then they should be punished.
I only brought up the impoverished nation example because you brought up.

we are not monkeys (oh even they can study to do things)
Actually monkeys are quite intelligent. Depending on which years and what type of test you use, monkeys have been shown to be smarter than humans.

- no skills? go back to study
Not everyone can even if they are willing. School costs money and even if that's free, then there are living costs to be paid.

- no jobs? sorry but there is always a job, just depends if you wanna do it
Not everyone lives in a place with jobs. There are people who literally sent out thousands of resumes over the past several years and couldn't get a job. A bad economy + too many workers + minimum wage laws = many without jobs. It is not as simple as a standard supply and demand graph, where if workers want it enough and are willing to do anything for next to nothing wages, then they get a job. Plus working doesn't mean you actually make money. Job requirements such as uniform, training, transportation, etc. may add up to a significant portion of your income. This is why some choose not to work because they get more unemployment benefits / welfare than from actually working.

read my statement about moneys in (), i corrected myself that even they can.
Ok school cost money, i am not sure in england, but where i am from, school gets paid untill highschool for people who cant afford it.

and the last statement, if working earns less then unemployment benefits, then i think there is something wrong with the unemployment benefits, and they should be reduced to be the lowest possible.

I know that people send out resumes, but if i get a school dropout who has no vision of his own life and talks like shit and is aggressive like those rioters of course he/she won't get the job.

fix you life / fix your attitude towards work / others / everythin.
show that you are improving yourself and that you are a hard worker, and i am sure you will eventually get a job, it just takes time an effort.

but all in all, it does not matter how long it takes you to find a job, it does not give you the right to destroy other peoples property, do a peaceful demonstration if you wish or stay home, hope they all get trown in jail for the next 20 years, problem only is that taxes will need to be risen as jails are expensive :)
does not matter how long it takes you to find a job, it does not give you the right to destroy other peoples property,
Those who have hit rock bottom are very tempted to do this.

hope they all get trown in jail for the next 20 years,
Actually some do. There has been people who rob the bank for $1 just so he can get free housing (in jail), food, and medical care.

problem only is that taxes will need to be risen as jails are expensive
That's a problem for the society/govt. If you're an individual who can't get work, have huge debt, and are starving out on the streets, you wouldn't be too concerned about govt budget deficits.
@pantheon, i see where you are coming from with all statements, however i still think they are all in the wrong, no matter how tempted you are, you should live according to the laws around you, and no matter how deep you have sunk you can always come back.
Just saying some are more tempted than others. And you can't seriously expect every person to live according to the laws. If people did, then there would be no need for the police or the court system.

no matter how deep you have sunk you can always come back.
True, but it's also harder the deeper you have sunk.
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