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AuthorCongratulations Admins
We are all aware, even the newest of players that this game does not stand up to its true potential, this is echoed especially hard through our sister server and nation specific .ru

However we also know that this game sees an excessive amount of whining and impatience (not that it is not warranted)

Now I am not technically an original player but I have been here what I consider a bloody long time. Riding along on a game running at less than par - about 20% power I reckon. But conversely to that I and many others can recognise significant progress in this game.

So this thread is in some way a pick me up, in some ways its a stop whining ordeal


Sidenote - BTW I loved the 'topic moved to 'complaints and whines' I saw on here recently (somebody feel free to quote that)

But having ridden it out through Dark ages 1.0 with the hardest of hardcore players who remain I would like to point out things the admins HAVE done for us (just from memory) in recent game history.

Venomancers, Infernals, Packmasters, Demon portal, Halloween events, christmas events, sphynx, vaults, valentines day, grand updates x 2, revamp of enchanters guild, introduction of higher faction levels, introduction of higher combat levls, rebalancing more troops for some people, introduction of commanders guild, introduction of new monsters, introduction of new magic guilds, new visual effects, sounds, changes to combat mechanics, new barbarian racial ability, new map areas, councillor feurlis, new factories, player facility descriptions, regular survival tournament, minor tournaments, blindfold tournaments, mixed tournaments etc. ...

The list goes on and on and on. I realise that this game could definitely be better just as much as the next person and I realise this thread is a little erratic and off the bat but please use this as a moment of reflection and 'paws for thought'

Not sure exactly where im taking this but please I encourage you to analyse, review, comment and discuss

Thank you Admins
but they have not done anything to encourage players to play more duels and gbs D':
i think the game itself is great. The only thing that is missing are more players and i guess thats because there is no or not enought advertisement for it... .
+1 i hate complains, i like this topic
+1 ... hate complaints too .. :) Hope we get some new events .. :) and to attract more players : advertisements . :)
Ofcourse there are complains, and valid ones... ru server as events, updates + more stuff in shops + tournaments + of everithing .... we here have 20% of what they get(or less)
i think anyone in this server got reason to complaint..
[07.09] New Luxury Auctions
[07.02] Mounts Available
[06.27] Assist the Packmasters!
[06.25] Secret Thief Missive
[06.24] A few Balancing Touches

wow, plenty of things happened in last 2 months. i dont think events is the problem.

need more advertisement:)
..and turning this back around...

admins must have done something right to keep all those complainers around here for so long. maybe just because of that old adage "It's the game that they love to hate"? Or possibly the hope that it will reach it's other 80% potential?
The russian server has those banners that you can use for your site.
Would be good if we could get them as well.
The only banners that exist for this game still have heroes of war and moeny in the name ...
ok look

Last event was more than 1 month ago

now near 2 month that we are event-less

if admin could do somthing that we get every event .ru had/have after its finished there, it whould be awesome
after all its just a bunc of codes...

Ps: anyone can contact admins to have look at here?
I just ask people I meet if they know HoMM... and when I see a big smile as a reaction I mention this game... got a few players in here that way...
i like this game, and i will continue to play it, events or no events.

this said, my relation to the admins work is as simple as:

events: i donate
no events: i don't donate

don't like the whinning too, though we are indeed the .ru's poor cousin. it could be better. it could be worse. it's a good game overall and i thank the admins for keeping this server running.

we need admins..if u dont ask,sometimes u wont get.thats how the world moves.by average in 2-3 month we get an update/event,which is really bad for any online game.

I think no admin,update/event,no avertisement is the biggest reason why we loose players.if no event/update then life will certainly become boring after sometime.

But most of all we need someone to hold this captainless boat.
stop the damn tournments, i want more duels with real players plz,when ever there is a tournment,pvp is dead. if there is no pvp what makes this game different than my chess on my pc :(
Hah!Do you think that five are too much in two months!Bad!And needed more ads.And low donates.
+1 i hate complains, i like this topic
+1 i hate complains, i like this topic

but they have not done anything to encourage players to play more duels and gbs D':
stop the damn tournments, i want more duels with real players plz,when ever there is a tournment,pvp is dead. if there is no pvp what makes this game different than my chess on my pc :(
Well, there are several whines about PvP... So, let's have a look at my log. From the 13th to the 20th, I've played in 15 CG fights, that makes an average 2 CGs per day, roughly.

6 were duels, 5 were 2v2, 4 were 3v3 (and I draw your attention on the number of 3v3). If you look at other players log, you can find out that there were even more CG.
For ex.:

Still from the 13th to the 20th, he took part in 10 fights, if not counting the ones in which I were. So, there have been at least 25 CG at lvl 11 made beetween the 13th and the 20th (average 3 CGs per day). I've been PMed about a few standart GBs, too...

That is, for lvl 11. For lower lvls (the ones whining are at lvl 5 and 8), frankly, I have low level alts, and it's a piece of cake to setup fights... For highest levels, things mught be tougher, I recognize, but the only thing that might be done, now that there is CG, is to improve the number of players, and that's no easy task.

All in all, since the implementation of CG, I feel that there are enough incentive for PvP (it's all about players willing or not to take part in it).

Now, let's talk about the lack of events. Yes, .ru has much more events that we do. However, I believe that we have a higher part of these events, as what we used to earlier. I'm fine with the rate at which we have events. More might be better, but... Really, maybe those having an account on .ru will agree with me. There are too much events there. I mean, here, people are already complaining, and saying that they can't afford a full set. Do you think you could be really involved in every events of .ru? So many tournaments, events,... Out of dedicated enrollers (I'm talking about enrollers, not players :)) ), I don't think usual, or even quite wealthy players could really play at each tournament or event. I'm inactive on .ru right now, but even when I logged in regularly, I did not play on several events there. There are by far too much opportunities to use one's full set. So, yeah, I'm fine with the events we have by now. Just create a character on .ru, play for a while, and maybe you'll feel the same.

All we lack is more players, advertisement is needed yeah, I grew sick of seeing so many ads about Tra.vian, Evo.ny, Shakes.N.Fidget, Illusion sh!t tricks etc etc etc etc etc. Make it popular admins !!!! I want to see an advertisement of this game even once in a popular website !!

Love this topic, I hate complains too and I hate even more people who can't get enough ( - OMG, you know that .ru has so many more than us ? - I don't care no0b, just stfu and enjoy what you got, you jealous piece of ... cake :D)

And NO I don't need some shorty little Dwarves to enjoy this game !
[Player banned by moderator Skunder until 2011-08-21 05:04:44 // Curse. Abbreviated/masking curse.]
During certain periods I'm free to play, however sometimes I'm unable to log in for extended amounts of time; I shudder to think of the number of events I will be missing if .com gets as many events as .ru does. That's the gem of this game - it doesn't suck your life away unlike many other online games where you have to be active and log in everyday or else you will be missing out on many of the game 'freebies' and cannot stay competitive.

Talking about the Dark Ages, it was really a season of severe drought. For over a full one and a half years there was hardly anything more than the small bunch of updates in Nov '09. But look at the first page of the Official Announcement section now: the top and bottom topics don't even span across a year!

People always compare this server with .ru. Of course this is natural, for we are all aware this is a sister server of the .ru are aren't exactly the main focus of the admins. For most of us, we can understand and accept this fact, and continue to enjoy the game. But some amongst us are different: They see they have weekly events and whine about why we don't have them here; they see they have dwarves and CL 16 & 17 and bemoan our pitiful state of merely 7 factions and 15 levels (of which they have for example, only played 2 or 3 factions and reached only CL 8); they see a huge map and instantly want to have it appear, without realising the implications it has. Some of these guys just want it simply because another server has it - and I think this mentality is rather silly. Some of the ideas posted in I&S are so much better.

Granted this game could be a lot better. But we aren't looking in the right direction if we're hoping to have the updates that .ru has. They have 20 times the number of players we have and game dynamics and balances that work there won't necessarily work here. We have our own problems here and it won't be solved by following the .ru model. There are still plenty of improvements to be made to the game in aspects such as advertising, rule enforcement and admin-player interaction. But take a moment and reflect, look back on the myriad of events we've had in the past 9 months and hopefully you will come to realise we actually could be very much in the Golden Age of LWM right now.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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