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AuthorCongratulations Admins
who agrees?

If it would be illegal, it should be shut down. If wouldn't, I don't see any reason why advertising it would be a problem.

I thank admins for what they did till now.

But there is one thing I don't like: Always when I see that homepage of the site and look at the news, it starts with "New" [luxury auctions] and I always think there is something new, before I read the other two words. If there would be another top news... :D

Other than that, they did a good job translating this game from Russian so we can enjoy it too! And they never missed the Christmas and Easter events :) (and maybe neither Halloween, but I think I missed one).
Diamonds are very costly in this game. total diamond needed in upgrades are 197 + 80 for thief guild. so totally 277 diamonds. 1 diamond= 1 euro and 1 euro=65 INR(approx.) so 277diamonds=18000 INR! i don't know if the rate seems less in euro but this is engineers starting salary per month in india after finishing their studies. forget all the faction upgrades a mere tg invitation cost 80 diamonds which is 5200 INR which people cannot afford through their pocket money. even a ps2 or xbox360 costs less than 18000 INR -_- .

Sigh.... lords is a millionaires game!! $_$
270 euros per month for an engineer, jeez man the economy certainly works differently over there. You're basically saying an xbox is almost a months salary for a well paid profession...
+1 for admins they have done a great job, when i complain i dont complain about the admins, i complain how more people should join and see how awesome this game is :P
for Elven_Lord:
That's the starting base salary. if u r in IT or software field u can't expect a raise due to economic downfall but in other fields u can switch companies and demand better pay according to ur experience and knowledge on the field. my father earns more than 1500 euros per month. well yes the pay in middle east and west is higher but the price of goods is also higher thr.
still my father won't give me 270 or even 80 euros -_-'
for elfmaniac:
You forget just one thing - you dont have to buy upgrades with diamonds, get em with gold 1 lvl later. YOu can buy TG with gold as well.. Most of ppl here didnt spend a cent in game.
+ you can buy diamonds with gold also if you want that upgrades so hard;)
for elfmaniac:
I agree diamonds are costly; but in relative terms it is cheaper in industrialized western nations.
Here's some comparisons for you:
277 diamonds is equivalent to:
-1 month of utilities (electricity, gas, water)
-1 week of minimum wage salary (many low paying jobs pay more)
-a few hours of work for a well paid profession (low end)
-1 hour or less of work for a well paid profession (med end)
-1 budget desktop computer that barely runs anything
-40 kg of medium priced fruits and veggies.
-20 kg of medium priced meats (steak, lamb, salmon)
-50 meals at McDonalds (or similar fast food)
-2 to 3 months of bridge tolls
-2 to 3 months of parking passes
-80 hrs of parking at city meters
-1 ticket fine for running through a red light
-2 required school textbooks
-2 to 3 months of a smartphone plan

But many do not donate for various reasons not related to the cost of diamonds.
- 1 bottle of champagne at not very expensive club (Paris, France)
how come this thread turned from congrats to whining for admins ?

guys, who dont like game's backbone structure, either create a relevant topic to complain or ... simply dont write here.

I want to congrat admins too, especialy for managing to ... uhh cant write what I thought, would be violating my own advice above.
yeah,,, lack of advertisement is really affecting of number of players... I invited more players then that company does))))
and 277 diamons it is almost an ounce of weed!!!! that is enough for a week for one person)))
not gonna congratulate admins unless they do something to encourage more player to play the game or even to urge players to continue
If I look from other perspective, I congrats admins for not give us too many events and let us time for rl issues.
The only thing that will miss is some LG points. So what? The game isn't go anywhere, you will still have to beat in hunt 1.5k bandits or do some clerics raid.
Well, if you ask, I'm the type of person that never spend money to get advantage at games, I personally think that it's better to play the game with equal power as my rival in games.

But I don't hate the one who buy diamond upgrades as well, since that it's because of them that the game is still running and give lordswm funds for improvement in the future.

About the game, I really think that it lacks of advertisement, even I didn't start playing this game because I saw this game while surfing the net. I start playing because one of my friend is playing it, and I found it interesting.

But now, even my friend already left the game, lol
3 yrs. and still playing the concept of the game is enough to stick someone and we get updates that's even great!
I know this post is at least partly offtopic, but since this has been discussed on this thread before, I'll go on. For advertising, youtube is most probably the best place there is. I always check out the a few gameplay videos of any games that I'm thinking of playing and my decision to play it usually depends on how good the vid was. But I don't think I've seen any truly exciting battles from here on youtube. For those who're still trying to advertise LWM there, I suggest you use a 3v3 high level battle that shows any potential player exactly what they can expect in higher levels. All the great creatures, different factions, and particularly the fact that your hero can be very deadly too (escort/fervor/thrusting might/various spells).
Just my 2 cents - I know I'd definitely be interested in a game like that :)

And yes, admins are letting a wonderful opportunity go to waste, for whatever reasons. This is the best free online game I've played to date - hands down.
well, that is an idea!There might also be somebody needed to create a good intro or something, showing who has to fight who etc. With a nice set-up I think that is an extra-ordinary plan!

I will still thank the admins, for the simple reason they have put efford in translating it from Russian.
I've been a member of LWM for over 3 years now, and I will agree with the others that it really has come a long way.

Sure, the Dark Ages were pretty rough, and I will admit that I rarely played during that time, but the devs weren't done with us.

The real issue here, as many others has said, is lack of revenue. This is due to the lack of players. That is because of the lack of advertisement. That is due to the fact that the devs are Russian and .ru is the original server, we are just an off-branch.

Oh well, I still mamage to enjoy the game well enough without many people or updates. It really is a great game.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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