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AuthorTavern Questions

I see at her profile she has 1238 games, but Defeats + Wins is just 1237 .. :) Any possibilities tavern will end in draw result ?

If yes, in what condition(s) ?

Thx .. :)
As far as i remember before draw was possible with cards damaging both towers like -7 to all towers - 1 to monastries. If both tower get destroyed in same time it was a draw... After cards update (new cards in deck) it is not possible anymore. Now who drows card wins (even if her/his tower gets also destroyed)
I've seen draws before, but they always seemed weird to me. For a long time, even if both players are "winning" or "losing" at the same time, whoever played the card wins:

Atm, there have been almost 1.7 kk tavern games played, so that game was about halfway through.
Now who drows card wins (even if her/his tower gets also destroyed)
Has always been so.

This is a draw =)

As far as I know it also occur when both players were missing turns.
Here it is.
Yes that was one surprising result and that's the correct gameid. Some people have so much free time to go through logs :)

If both opponents go AFK, a draw might happen.
If both opponents go AFK, a draw might happen.

No. If both opponents go AFK, one of them will hit the afk limit first, and that player will lose. What happened above is that the server shut down in the middle of the game, so neither player could continue. When the server came back, the game became a draw.
No. If both opponents go AFK, one of them will hit the afk limit first, and that player will lose. What happened above is that the server shut down in the middle of the game, so neither player could continue. When the server came back, the game became a draw.

This make more sence for me

One can always win for resource, that's cannot make a draw on fighing..
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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