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CG easy idea to get much more players, MC LEADERS read it!


AuthorCG easy idea to get much more players, MC LEADERS read it!
with leader of my MC, i was talking about CG, and how to solve the problem of less players at 15lvl, dunno how it works on other

and the idea is, to give MC player which lost cg 500 gold recompensation for loss [arts recompensation in 40% or so], win has recompensate with cg point fsp and exp

many clans have money they are not using, so we should try it, its not much and clans will not broke im sure of it

in Polish Elite it will work almost now, so i hope more MC clans should do that too :)

it can be given once per week, to not make spam in transfer logs of players and clans

what do You think about it, and maybe more good ideas?
unfortunately we have this rule :

3.20. Any kind of payment for combat is forbidden. Rewarding a player for losing or promising such reward for losing, entering or quitting combat will be considered as contractual combat.

which is intented to prevent a hidden financial support, but also stonewalling any incentive movement possibility.
=[ true, i should first look at rules ehh... so maybe any other ideas? CG is like neverending event cmon
In my opnion we could run some clan vs clan CGs tournaments, but yes still the same problem how to encourage players to get in, I don't know if this is allowed or not but instead of reward the players reward the clans?

Let's say 3 clans are in, each of them put 30k into the prize pot, then we see who scores more.

1st 50k
2nd 30k
3rd 10k?

and that goes to clan funds not to players etc
I don't know if this is allowed we should look for it to don't end up breaking any rules.
dziadu Combat level: 15 (67786608)

selfist Combat level: 15 (31800068)

you are almost lvl 17 equavalent, why try to fight against such a big power difference ? thats one of the reasons for low CG activity in lvl 15.

simply CG structure is not sound for .com conditions.

and that goes to clan funds not to players etc

then why would that encourage players to get in then? they still get nothing
after the fund is into clan MC leader can decide if it's gunna stay in MC fund or gift some to players, also Imo clan funds are for users purpose, to buy clan arts/estates etc, how it isnt to players? they will still get benefit from the gold that clan spend in arts etc

you are almost lvl 17 equavalent, why try to fight against such a big power difference ? thats one of the reasons for low CG activity in lvl 15.

you've got a good point, but that's not the main reason. Among all levels, lvl 15 has the highest CG activity: 28 players are in top 100 CG player list.

It's simply because there is not enough players.
dziadu Combat level: 15 (67786608)

selfist Combat level: 15 (31800068)

you are almost lvl 17 equavalent, why try to fight against such a big power difference ? thats one of the reasons for low CG activity in lvl 15.

simply CG structure is not sound for .com conditions.

Not so hard to fix that, If we get enough players interested we can only let virtually 17s vs virtually 17s 16vs16 etc, the problem will be 16s and 17s won't have enough players :P
after the fund is into clan MC leader can decide if it's gunna stay in MC fund or gift some to players

how about this: the award distribute to MC as you suggested, and the MC leader will award the top 3/top 5 most active CG players every month with the award gold. And "active" depends on the number of CG you participated in+the number of CG you win. This way I believe it does not violate the rule and will encourage someone to play
how about this: the award distribute to MC as you suggested, and the MC leader will award the top 3/top 5 most active CG players every month with the award gold. And "active" depends on the number of CG you participated in+the number of CG you win. This way I believe it does not violate the rule and will encourage someone to play

Technically it shouldn't break any rule, but we can always try getting informed first before doing it.
dziadu Combat level: 15 (67786608)

selfist Combat level: 15 (31800068)

you are almost lvl 17 equavalent, why try to fight against such a big power difference ? thats one of the reasons for low CG activity in lvl 15.

simply CG structure is not sound for .com conditions.

its not my fault... i can change race i dont care, just want to play
How about the admins just advertise the game and then we are all happy as larry? This kind of speculation is just the road to false hope...
maybe clan can lend one or some art for their player to play cg (for 1 or 2 battle) ?
elven lord, I stop expecting any help from admins long ago.

they spend 95% of their labor on their real product.

this game is ours to keep alive, hard job within the rule set designed for 10 times larger user number - but not impossible.

dzi, u dont need to leave your preferred race to play.

I kindly invite every 15 to check balancing tables we developed/used now long forgotton #283 games.


we can come up with some new ideas starting from there, see low faction bonus tables for 14-15.
This is examples of few fights done yesterday with noob racials, we made them in few minutes and had those really funny and very interesting battles:


no need to sit and got headache from thinking how to equal all players and in the end you will not make them equal... Just few agreements on equal teams and can go play 3x3 freely.

to dziadu:
I noticed you mainly play cg battles when most players can play only battles vs AI, and when you off everyone join and got cg.

So what I really suggest is just to join in to skype and everything can be managed very fast. Having discussions in forum is no point, direct talks makes outcome.
im only playing 8-16 server time, sometimes later, just bad timing
i like your idea about gold for losers, i lose a lot^^
As for MC, I think the leaders may negotiate some CG battles between or among clans. e.g. 3-5 participants from 3-5 clans have on each level fight with one another and the MC leaders may grant some prize (not very big). But you will fight for your MC and for a little sum.
3.20. Any kind of payment for combat is forbidden. Rewarding a player for losing or promising such reward for losing, entering or quitting combat will be considered as contractual combat.

well, the payment is from a Clan fund, not from the player.
also the battle is gonna be fair.
dont think its a problem.
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