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AuthorChange timer in afk ambush after first timeout/wait
Changes the timer so you will have less time after first time you wait because you timer hits 0, just like in normal battle

As it is now we have 2 min for each move regardless of people had a timeout in the previous turn.
So you spend 5*2 = 10 min to wait for a afk’er (after setup)
If it were reduced to 30 sec after the first timeout then we only have to wait for 2 + 4*0,5 = 4 min

We therefore will save 6 min and can get on with LWM fun instead of seeing a timer slowly count down
I already suggested this in the past. Wait a few minutes until you get arguments like "I've got a slow connection, need the time", bla, etc. pp.

Nevertheless: +1 (Hope dies last)
+1 for sure
Only if they stop fining people for going AFK "intentionally"
Reducing this timer by 60% will only increase the amount of people that go AFK, so also the fined, so also the amount of frustrated players (that will maybe leave the game as well)
+1 to the idea, as long as Keepers use some restraint with their fine/block buttons.
an ambush is not a scheduled battle.
people who are traveling do not expect to be ambushed at all. and even thieves may not be ready right away.
give people a chance to come and fight.
speeding up timeouts, will just result in more forfeits.
an ambush is not a scheduled battle.
people who are traveling do not expect to be ambushed at all. and even thieves may not be ready right away.
give people a chance to come and fight.
speeding up timeouts, will just result in more forfeits.

If they are not there for the setup or the first move then the chances of them returning has dropped significantly.

Why should people have to wait long for the slim chance that people will return

And I also think people will be more overbearing for unfortunate afk if they don't have to wait for such a long time as now.

mAN this is crazy For eg I have to rush and fetch a glass of water who nows I wud go afk by then leaving me in a bad bad state.

an ambush is not a scheduled battle.
people who are traveling do not expect to be ambushed at all. and even thieves may not be ready right away.
give people a chance to come and fight.
speeding up timeouts, will just result in more forfeits.
"I've got a slow connection, need the time",

All good againsts.

Now also think that for example ur net starts misworking u quickly reload the page which takes time if the computer is hanged or is not responding It takes about 50 secs.

By then u are dead

for aryaman4:
you do realise the title says "after first timeout/wait"?
oh... +1 by the way

As it is now we have 2 min for each move regardless of people had a timeout in the previous turn.
So you spend 5*2 = 10 min to wait for a afk’er (after setup)

A few corrections.
After the 4min setup, the first turn is 4min. Then the subsequent turns are 2min each. So disregarding waiting for setup, the waiting time for your opponent to afk out is 12min.

This idea does cause concerns for other things such as the penalties people have already voiced. But I also would like admins to fix the very old ambushing bugs as well:
1) The cancel button disappearing even though it appears the player is still ambushing.
2) The ambush not automatically starting even though the map or group combat screen is up. Sometimes the player is required to manually refresh the page.
3) The battle having started already, but bug#1 has occurred. The player can't enter the battle nor is there any indication of a battle such as the red menu.
4) Upon entering the battle setup, the "your turn" sound doesn't always play.
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