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AuthorChange timer in afk ambush after first timeout/wait

Some people have got a slow connection, need the time. (thanks #3)

It is rare that a thief catches a player instead of a caravan, or that a player is ambushed, and would be unfair to "punish" people with slow computers or internet connections just to catch a few people who go intentionally afk.

Would be more appropriate to increase the punishment for thieves who constantly create ambushes and then go offline.
no on got such slow connection, 2 minutes each turn after first one is to much
3) The battle having started already, but bug#1 has occurred. The player can't enter the battle nor is there any indication of a battle such as the red menu.

i face that once.

there is a way to fix it. go to Battles > Display All > find your name and click on the combat log. there you go, you will airborne into the battlefield
i had it as well, but if you go to your own character profile it will say character is in combat and you can visit the combat from there

or if the attacker did not start the combat manually just follow IA and make an automatic combat instead.
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Probably most of you already know or use it, but a good workaround at least against AFKs in ambushes is TheaterofPain's script, which you can get here:

http://www.warriors-guild.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1561 ("Battle start sound" at bottom)

(Sorry for crossposting, but I felt it would be usefull here)

If admins don't help, help yourself. ;)

Wait, you mean, this hasn't been suggested before? It sounds like a no-brainer to me.
+1 Good Ideas
Some people have got a slow connection, need the time. (thanks #3)

It's worse than "bad sportsmanship" to engage in player battles when you know that your connection is slow or unreliable. You deserve to be punished and hated if you make others suffer your slow connection. What I do when my connection is bad (or when I don't have time to fight thieves) is take one unit when I travel. This way, it is virtually impossible to go "AFK" before the thief even if you both lose connection before the fight starts.

It is rare that a thief catches a player instead of a caravan, or that a player is ambushed, and would be unfair to "punish" people with slow computers or internet connections just to catch a few people who go intentionally afk.

We punish people with no internet connection by denying them this fine game. Should we accommodate them by letting them join and wait for them mail us their every move? We have to draw the line somewhere. We shouldn't babysit players. Your connection is your problem and your responsibility. If you're still on dialup, ask your mommy to get broadband. XD
+1 to main idea

But like, go eat or something xD
Agree strongly with 32. You have a bad connection, then sorry, don't get involved in PvP.

If AFKs weren't so frustrating, then fines and the like wouldn't need to be leveled at AFKers anyway. If I'm thieving, an AFk, apart from the wait, is a good thing. I get a thief point. My workaholic count is reset. I'll get some XP and FSP. As I thief in min arts, I'll be ahead in gold too. Cut the wait, only overly grumpy people would complain about AFKs in thieving.
AFK in all other organised fights is very different, as the AFK person agreed to start the fight.
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