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Author[Big Changes] DE have new racial ability
1) Now DE have new racial ability: they increase their Defence in dependence of Knowledge and SP(like on .ru).
Formula: AddDef = (Kn + SP)*([10 + DEracial]/100) //round to low digit
2) DE's piercing magic is still working! :)

Watch this group battle

Look at Loricia's Defence. Its 26, but she had only 18 Def in magic fullart set.
Lets calculate: AddDef = (15 + 30)*([10 + 9]/100) = 8,55
She recieved additional 8 defence from new racial ability:
18 + 8 = 26

Now look at her first spell: Chain lightning with elemental call => Damage with expert chaos magic, elemental call and 30 SP should be 883,5.
Jedi-Knight have 1 anti from DE, 18% Magic proof and 25% air resistance.
SumAirResistance = [1 - (1-0,18)*(1-0,25)]= 0,385
Loricia's magic piercing: 0,25795 from arts; 0,68 from old racial ability.
SumPiercing = [1 - (1-0,25795)*(1-0,68)] = 0,762544
Now calculate final damage:
X = 883,5*(1 - 0,385 + 0,385*0,762544)*0,97 = 778,648
This is exactly the same damage that Loricia dealt with her first cast => DE's magic piercing still working with new ability which increase Def :)

PS. I know that admins will fix that soon. The goal of topic is to give you all new information :)
looool if this is true (and the thing about def is true, ididn't check the spell resistances) she is playing with 2 racial bonuses, the old one + the new one... overpowered!!
for Woosh:
That's true, just look at this battles(look at Loricia's def and spell damages):

But it's not her fault. Our server is still under updating process :)
but when did this happen for first time?
does anyone has some link of fights of magic de 3-4 days ago?
Hm, nice. Maybe admins could bring us also rangers guild and new thieves guild (but when I wrote they could I don't mean it they will do it in 2 years :o] ). And yes, of course, dwarves as well, still the same phrases...
Even that new DE racial ability is good new, at least we can see admins do something for this server too (even if it doesn't look like big thing, but I think it is - maybe it is the beginning of something bigger)
is there a new racial ability for wizard?
is there a new racial ability for wizard?

all factions get new ability: raping mage DE in PvP...
huh what?
on .ru or on .com too? where is the announcement
trolol many players only logging and enrolling + checking news and announcements (or even only checking the homepage for news)
and then admins come with these hidden updates
Works fine that new abbility for DE :)
Just tried in an ambush

My deff was 13 but in battle 18 ^^
i only concern on DE caravan...

well, they were hard but even harder now :(
not if you have a gargoyle :D
I don't know if it had anything to do with this but my caravans now no longer give me XP less than 2.7k. I remember getting some for about 1.5k during the holiday but I've never seen those light caravans since the new year.
Almost week has passed and still DE have 2 working racial abilities...
Rhetorical question: When do we finally see fixing this bug and official announsment? :)
When do we finally see fixing this bug and official announsment? :)

maybe the same day that that Christmas banner goes down lol..
the "ability" is not listed on

very disapointing...
When do we finally see fixing this bug and official announsment?

Hopefully, never, because with these two abilities combined, DE finally has a racial ability comparable to other factions (except for wizards' racial abilities, of course, which cannot be topped). The old DE racial ability by itself was practically useless, having such limited applications.
Hopefully, never, because with these two abilities combined, DE finally has a racial ability comparable to other factions (except for wizards' racial abilities, of course, which cannot be topped). The old DE racial ability by itself was practically useless, having such limited applications.

I think you underestimate their abilities...
With both they are to strong when playing magic.

I agree that it would be more fun with abilities that bot apply to might and magic. But to say it is weak is wrong
But to say it is weak is wrong

It was not weak. It was really, really weak. DE was the easiest faction to switch to at higher levels, because you didn't really need their racial ability. About the only time it comes into play is in GB, but you'd have to play magic DE, which leaves your troops so weak, unlike wizards, which have mini-artifacts to buff up their troops' stats. DE's second racial ability now helps offset that.

Hopefully now more people will play magic DE. But even so, I'm guessing it will cost them a lot of potions of oblivion, to switch between PvP and non-PvP, unless, of course, GB is all they want to do.

I'd trade DE's old racial ability with any other faction's racial ability(ies) any day.
A race isn't just about it's racial ability. Look at top players. DEs are the 2nd most popular.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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