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Closing down estates when inactive

AuthorClosing down estates when inactive
There is a lot of estates owned by players that haven't been online for a while.

Why not inactivate the estates where the owner haven't been online for 14 days or something like that?

Right now there are a lot of gold being wasted or are going to players that are just milking the system for gold..


I'm in one of them, very cheap for 5 star, prefer to pay him 100 gold per day than yours, 3 star :d
There are plenty of 5 star estates who have active owners. Why not use those instead?
Why should they be deactivated? thats completely unfair as I see it.
Why is it unfair that players that don't play the game, should have any influence on those who do?

The estate should offcourse be re-activated if the become active again.
they bought the estates. it's theirs to own and do with as they want.
if they take a break from the game for a few months or even years, it doesn't change anything.
they paid millions to get those estates that dribble little bits of income back.
Well... if the chose to come back, their estate will still be there, and they will start earning again... But until that, their earning will be on standby.
Inactive does not mean they don't deserve that gold
a lot of gold being wasted 100 gold for a room - not alot of gold )) it's very funny proposal
players spent more than 3 million gold deserve more than this. bad suggestion.

dont try to push others down to come up :P
bad suggestion.

dont try to push others down to come up :P
players spent more than 3 million gold deserve more than this. bad suggestion.
dont try to push others down to come up :P

closed by Smaskir (2012-02-21 16:48:24)
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