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Authorevicting clan member
Why some clan leader evicted their clan members.If there were reason plz tell me.And look at here how clan leader evicting members https://www.lordswm.com/clan_log.php?id=7648
if you are 1 among those Evicted members, you can always mail and ask.
but dont join again :P
sorry i think my bro had hacked my account and did all of these funny things he betted all of my gold on roulette he made em leave all of my clan i had also demonds and angels academy is here not any way to get all of evicted members back? by admins?
you must protect your clan members.I am also sorry for that.
Topic moved from "Clans" to "Queries and help".
LOL and there while reading the first post I was about to write "because his account got hacked", good guess ;)
and BTW I feel sorry for your wasted efforts you did in order to get shrews.
for Hallion91:

I really loath such people who manage a clan for their personal profits scamming people of their money by telling the rest of the gold is for clan funds.Just be honest about the fact that it's for your own funds.
ok if i done that to get shrews so must i evict all of my clan members and must i leave all of the clans i had what must i get by doing that it was my bro it was my fault that i was not stict to him and he made a huge joke
lol ishan, and who pays for the creation of the clan ? The leader. So, how can you say the gold he keeps is not for the clan funds ? ...
lol ishan, and who pays for the creation of the clan ? The leader. So, how can you say the gold he keeps is not for the clan funds ? ...
for Hallion91:
you have a point there.But sometimes clans aren't created with one guys' funds.
In this case,clan wasn't created by Ayush so obviously him keeping 2/3 gold of entry fee in his pocket shouldn't be right.

So, how can you say the gold he keeps is not for the clan funds ? ...

If it's really for clan fund,then what's the problem of depositing in treasury?

and who pays for the creation of the clan ?
Oh yeah!Why players create clan?Because in most of the cases they want the taste of leadership powers,they want to flood many people's mailboxes all at once!Being a leader is also a kind of status symbol amongst newbies.

MC's do have a contribution of each member paying for the cost of formation of clan but still the money doesn't goes in leader's pocket it goes in clan treasury(they don't charge for registering a clan they charge for militrializing it.)
Why players create clan?

What a question. For example to serve Zergolos!?

if account is hacked it should be blocked as i hv seen in few cased.
for blazingarpit:
I won't blame you for supporting your brother, but try not to mix feelings when giving an answer. I gave my point : Clans cost gold to the leader, so when the leader keeps gold for himself what he really does is collecting the clan's funds. Now, to tell you the truth I've never seen a leader inviting for 500 gold (or depositing the rest) when he has collected all the gold he spent for the clan, so it's up to the leader what to do with the fees, noone can blame him (it's legal, who would refuse legal gold ?).
for Hallion91:
yes ,I mentioned earlier I agree with you, but when the clan isn't created by the player and later he becomes leader and he keeps the gold don't you think it's wrong?
OK since we agree, I just thought I didn't explain something correctly. Well in that case where the leader didn't spend gold it's up to him to be "kind" or not ... it's still legal (that doesn't mean it's right, yes).
Question is answered so why is this still on top?
Hacked account or not Ayush5s fault and end of story.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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