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AuthorNo liimit of accounts
can you give example where that system running well ?

- If you want play with each faction on legal form you are able to do.
- If you want play with only 1 account you're abe to do.

Where is the negative point here?
not that, its about

can you give example where "Everyone will be free do to whatever they want" system running well ?
problem can be (beside illegal activities) unnecessary load on server ??? maintaining huge data for just one player with 20 different characters and who don't even purchase diamonds to help them in maintaining server expenses and all..... just a wild guess :P
Cakur, I don't know if I understand well, you're asking me, where the currectly system is not working well? is it?

The curretly system is great nothing agains't it'
But there's one rule unnecessary about how many accounts we can have...

- It's don't decrease the number of cheaters.
- It's don't make a cheater don't do because it's forbbiden.
* It's stop players which follow rules make more accounts to have fun.

Common only because some one can have mora than 3, don't necessary need play with each account every day, they could play with 1 today, with 2 tomorrow with 4 after 5 days, it's his account...

Spicydevil, you right about it, but let's think, how many time this server already exist? 4 years right?

How many players .ru server have? +13k right? I know it's different server, but his computer can haddle it...

So the main goal should be get more donater players, nothing agains't more accounts...

Also nothing stop one player with 20 accounts donate with each account, why not? I even seen some one buying UCI...

And I don't think more than 0,5% of players will make more than 5 - 8 accounts.
i ask about your statement: Everyone will be free do to whatever they want. where do you see the free system is running well. in real life perhaps ?

Rather make multi accounts be on a separate "test" area so they cannot do transfers, fight and interact with multies

Or remove multi's all together
Bad idea, it would literally destroy game economy. Existing alts already do influence it in a negative way (though this is only my small share). And their tendency to get blocked would drain a lot of the stuff away from the game world (badges, rewards from tournaments, TGIs, rare items), as it does already. And all the reasons given for a no before mine (2, 6, 23 - but don't check the Bible for this).
Rather make multi accounts be on a separate "test" area so they cannot do transfers, fight and interact with multies

Good idea, that's one solution :)

Or remove multi's all together

Will be more fair, or only one, or free it.

cakur, free to play with more accounts, test more factions, builds, play styles etc.
TGIs, rare items

It's forbbiden for additional accounts get those stuff...

Excetpy TGI if you buy with real money, which will increase the server income, you don't like it?

it would literally destroy game economy. Existing alts already do influence it

When you reach CL 5 you're forced to buy stuff to fight right?
When you're bulding your castle, you need resources to spend on it right?

Yeah you could get some gold from enrrol, but of course will spend more than get, no doubt.

Why you all countrys are so rich, they have tax, they jobs etc. and they profit with everything...

It's not different here, it's a income balance, you must pay to get back.

tournaments You should say we will have more players/accounts to do with, not will make any trouble with that, also the additonal account can't not use it, so only rest sell it.

badges couple, but don't stop you get they all back, because of the end, the main accounts are strongers than additional, so if one additional can get one badgate one main could stolem it easy.
I know about forbidden actions, but this doesn't seem to stop the endless appearance of cheating characters/multis, and they often get blocked while holding stuff they shouldn't. (Most) multies just spoil the whole damn thing while being basically "useless" to the main game mechanics. Go figure with more.
And about the resources needed, I'm sure most multies would hoard rather than spend.
there are mad players here
who stay online 24x7
3 accounts are good enough to try almost every faction with good/decent fsp
raising the no. will make this server like .ru
*just the traffic & no events*
n that will really suck so big -1
in my opinion cheaters cheat.. so don't give a damn about it when you give a suggestion but yea there must not be loopholes
but this doesn't seem to stop the endless appearance of cheating characters/multis

This is true, it won't will stop, but also won't will increase... Will all be the same.

I'm sure most multies would hoard rather than spend.

Some people sure will hold, some people will spend more than they cold even get (most players can't stay with money) it's very personal thing.

Don't matter how much money one account have, one time they will buy something, and spend some money...
Let's think on something before say it's will happen like that and nothing will change.

- .ru server have more than 13k players online per day, so if number really is so negative, how they could enrrol so well?
- Most mines are on 24 milions and stay like that "frozen" unless the admins take the money to do something different with they, but the just current number of players are enough to garant the enrrol for everyone.
- Admins have 1% tax for everything and can generate money, could invest on mines if they think it's needed.

will make this server like .ru
*just the traffic & no events*

Putting your own opinion away, you agree this will increase the number of accounts/players and will generate more battles and traffic.

You just don't like it, but will help on that. Less waiting for battles.
1)This will never be implied
2)The game wants to be spread throughout if every other player has 10 accounts
the site will crash again and again due to traffic & more servers will be needed but there are no new players to join
3)i don't think people who create 10 accounts would be really interested in pvp
instead they will just collect money by screwing the facilities
4)@.ru there is an active admin,every problem is taken care off very fast
where as here you have to wait for Christmas if an artifact is outta stock
5)talking about money balance they will do 1 hunt per 10 enrolls
i.e. drain 8k n hardly give out something..
so don't even think about balance!
any good reason why this must be implemented?
1 - How could you know?
2 - That's a speculation.
3 - That's a speculation.
4 - We got admins which care too, unless they won't will make this merge and "lost" some of their unique powers, to continue with this servers, instead they will only power down it without explain anything.
5 - Why exactly one ADDITIONAl account should do that? If even the TGI they can't buy, and else HOW MANY people do YOU NOW, do this?

I talk for myself, I know only few people which do 10 enrrols per battle.

Any reason why this should not be implemented?

overflow of players
a chance of illegal transfers
do some research, there was one player who had about 7 multi acc.s
all as family
no transfers n yet troubled every other player on the server
@almost every populated location
so i don't want to imagine a heap of such people
Any reason why this should not be implemented?
i don't see many + here..
good enough?
for DecayWolf:

I see your point, and all counter-arguments involving 'illegal' are void because you tackle that in your first post ('if don't make any transfer illegal').

Still, while I'm not an expert in ICT, nor economy, the counter-arguments about serverload and messing up the economy seem to make sense. (You could go even further by saying two extra chars already mess up the economy and follow Khel's idea - remove all multi's).

Economy and tech-stuff aside, a question...

Aren't you confusing 'test-drive' with 'pumping to the max and trying to have the best char as possible'?

If you just want to check out the units, talents, etc, why start from scratch (CL-wise) with every faction? Just use one char for 'sandbox-play' and your main for the 'real stuff'.
Niranjan, could you say how is this special player, with 7 accounts?

You see? Only because we can't make that for free, some cheaters (not saying this guy with 7 acc) make lot accounts on forbidden ways... It's only stop people which follow the rules have some fun, and benefit the cheaters.

Should not be more easier one way to identify they?

so i don't want to imagine a heap of such people
If you can point me atleast, 10 person are doing 10 enrrol per battlhe without the intent of buy TGI, I can say you're right... The true is, everyone thinks different...

If you want make math here, let's talk about math... 65% of the players are crying because they don't have enough money to buy anything, even the upgrade buildings... So how exactly "everyone" gonna do that?

Also could you point atleast 10 additinal accounts, which have lot of gold without purpose with what they will do with it?
It's very fair, you point all the serve gonna do that, so i ask only 10 additional accounts.

a chance of illegal transfers

Good one, every day I found more than 3 - 7 players with illegal logs.

I see your point, and all counter-arguments involving 'illegal' are void because you tackle that in your first post ('if don't make any transfer illegal').

At least one person read my posts, lol :)

Still, while I'm not an expert in ICT, nor economy, the counter-arguments about serverload and messing up the economy seem to make sense. (You could go even further by saying two extra chars already mess up the economy and follow Khel's idea - remove all multi's).

Economy and tech-stuff aside, a question...

It's a very good question, but I can't say what gonna happen, because only the admins could make changes.

But like I said, who save money, also spend money, that's a natural curse, like live and death.

The admins could just generate gold and split on mines, they could do.

Aren't you confusing 'test-drive' with 'pumping to the max and trying to have the best char as possible'?

Good point, but I'm just trying have fun with the factions I like to play, it's so bad like so much of this game and love each play style?

I must be crucified then :)

If you just want to check out the units, talents, etc, why start from scratch (CL-wise) with every faction? Just use one char for 'sandbox-play' and your main for the 'real stuff'.

Some things are theorically, some things you only discover when you feel it, when you taste it, when you experiment it and make all the combinations as you can, discover all strong points and weakness as possible.

Some people call it "learn" some people call "waste of time" some people call "knowledge" I really don't care how it's called. :)
Some things are theorically, some things you only discover when you feel it, when you taste it, when you experiment it and make all the combinations as you can, discover all strong points and weakness as possible.

Some people call it "learn" some people call "waste of time" some people call "knowledge" I really don't care how it's called. :)

hence my suggestion of using one (or two) char(s) for sandboxing (feeling, tasting, experimenting, discovering) and another one for the serious stuff, using the knowledge you gained in the 'wasted time'...

also, don't forget: the more fsp you build up with different factions, the more 'anti-skill' you build up against enemies using those factions... could take the 'pain of switching factions with the same char' away for you, at least a little?

just trying to make the current situation a bit more acceptable for you :)

and if all fails, we could always consider crucifying you. ;)
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