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AuthorNo liimit of accounts
I don't understand why we could have only 1 main and 2 additional...

If don't make any transfer illegal, what's the problem on have more than 3 accounts?

We can have 3 accounts, but can't have 4, why don't put just 1 then? This no make sence for me...

I love each faction, I really want play with demons again, and make a "test drive" with dwarfts but i can't, because already reach my limit of accounts...

I can't understand why just 3 accounts, it's don't change anything...

There are 2 major problems with allowing more.

First, having more than 1 main account will increase gold hoarding. People would create 10+ accounts for the sole purpose of having them work in labor guild and accumulate money. This money could later be used to circumvent market and transfer regulations. It would also drain factories of gold resulting in enrollment difficulties.

Secondly, it would open a door to a massive abuse of battle rules, such as:
multiple accounts of the same person in the same battle
throwing battles
exchanging wins

P.s. I've "test driven" dwarfs. I have played 6 of the 8 races with just one account. In case you didn't know, you can switch your faction here: https://www.lordswm.com/castle.php
Gladdy to see the first comment :)

Well everyone have his own opion, but let's talk about what you think will not work, I think it could work...

First of all the main reason for make a additional account at my opnion is to play with the faction not to "camp" and make it "stronger" because they already got main account...

It would also drain factories of gold resulting in enrollment difficulties.

If people enrrol, is to buy new stuff right? So one time they will spend their money on resources, to get new stuff and will balance all again... Don't forget Empire got 1% tax for everything so they can just refill if needed...

This money could later be used to circumvent market and transfer regulations.

Every day I find thousand of inrregularities, it's already exist, I don't think it's will make new cheaters, if the currently system don't even reduce them.

Secondly, it would open a door to a massive abuse of battle rules

I don't know you, but when I find stagged combats, I report immediatly it's a very unskilled player to do something like that...

And again, it's already exist, and times by times i caught some players doing stagged combats, they say "I never did that" "It's my friend/brother account, not mine" "We are on different computers" etc. But they are same person.

It's not gonna change anything.

In case you didn't know, you can switch your faction here:

Wans't you complanning on other thread about the new fsp system, "when you lose you should get more fsp, than the winner, to balance the powers?"

My question here is, if the fsp is a easy thing to earn and get so easy, why you make such thread? => https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1913233

Not wanting be rude or anything, just want to say we can't just play with each faction like we want, the fsp is cruel problem.

First, having more than 1 main account will increase gold hoarding. People would create 10+ accounts for the sole purpose of having them work in labor guild and accumulate money. This money could later be used to circumvent market and transfer regulations. It would also drain factories of gold resulting in enrollment difficulties.
Not the main reason XD

The main reasin is that they'll have all 9 of them by the referral of the main, and they'll keep getting gold.
The main reasin is that they'll have all 9 of them by the referral of the main, and they'll keep getting gold.

if no limit to characters, then what is stopping me from creating 5000 additional chars and puting main char as refereror and every time those chars lvl up, main gets gold.

5000 was an exageration, so pls don't take it seriously...this is for people who might get confused about that fact :P
1 account is always better, it helps u to stay focussed.
-1 agree with 1,4,5
for SV22:
You can't agree with 1,4,5....

That's contradictory
I envy you people. I barely have time to remove the workaholic penalty off my multi. XD

That's contradictory

lol no, he is diplomatic :D
it's hard to manage more than 3 accounts; what happen in case of tourney/event/war with all of the adds? do you have time to play with ALL? I very doubt it. Beside that, they will drain gold from game doing almost only 1 fight for 10 battles (not to mention almost 5 min each hour for typing enroll code for all, grr...)
-unlimited :P
flour explained it very well
The main reasin is that they'll have all 9 of them by the referral of the main, and they'll keep getting gold.

That's simple, put one rule agaisn't reference with your own accounts.

Also it's don't stop cheats to make it, common guys, I already seen thousand guys sayins on GB's "I have played with all factions, I have 1 account of each faction"

Let's talk serious here, I don't want break no one rule, but it's don't stop other to do.

it's hard to manage more than 3 accounts; what happen in case of tourney/event/war with all of the adds? do you have time to play with ALL?

If you want play with only 1 account, play with only 1, only because the other people will be allowed if admins aprove, can play with more accounts, it's don't force you to do the same...

Everyone will be free do to wathever they want.

And once again, additional accounts aren't made to be the strongers, only to test the faction and know how it works better.

If I want make a stronger faction, to do tournaments and those stuffs, I have my main account.

they will drain gold from game doing almost only 1 fight for 10 battles (not to mention almost 5 min each hour for typing enroll code for all, grr...)
[>] [q]
13 2012-06-14 08:23:01

Same question as flour :)

- You don't need have more accounts than you can haddle.
- One time they will need spend their money to buy new stuff, it will balance the gold from mines.


I can't understand why only 3 accounts, the number of cheats don't decrease putting, 1,3,5,10 or 1.000.

To be more fair, should put only 1 account as rule, or put it unlimited, why it should be the half way?

I bet atleast 80 - 90% of the players here, have more than 1 account, and like 10 - 20% have more than 3 accounts... Something interesting...
I think we have a miss understand here, I didn't mean unlimited of accounts as main, I mean unlimited accounts as ADDITIONAL. hehe
The main reasin is that they'll have all 9 of them by the referral of the main, and they'll keep getting gold.

Oh and by the way it does take time to level them up.
Remember the one who plays the game more should benefit more assuming equal intellectual obviously :P

so if you have the time then why not?
Everyone will be free do to whatever they want.

really ? can you give example where that system running well ?
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