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No liimit of accounts


AuthorNo liimit of accounts
hence my suggestion of using one (or two) char(s) for sandboxing (feeling, tasting, experimenting, discovering) and another one for the serious stuff, using the knowledge you gained in the 'wasted time'...

also, don't forget: the more fsp you build up with different factions, the more 'anti-skill' you build up against enemies using those factions... could take the 'pain of switching factions with the same char' away for you, at least a little?

Doing this, execpt the part which test many factions with one account, the fsp resistence is good but, one main and natural fsp could be better.
So it's need a fsp farm, to get good results, and it will take lot of time...

Which a additional account don't worth all of this. One account to build up already is lot work to do, hehe.

and if all fails, we could always consider crucifying you. ;)

Thanks :)
10?? you can get 1000's
include my multi too!
i don't have time to collect names of others multi's
Well the major issue is that multiple accounts have a profound effect on the economy.

Allowing more multis to play means that element prices will spiral downward. As it is, multiple accounts already sell lots of elements and influence the prices.

The same for hunter arts.

People who are good at the survival tournament could create lots of accounts and win the survival tournaments, making it hard for main accounts to compete.

Enrollment spots will be filled up with multiple accounts. And as a few other players have mentioned, many multis already exist that have huge sums of gold stored up.

I suggest that if you want to play with demons or dwarves again, save up some gold and buy the castle on one of the three accounts already!
People who are good at the survival tournament could create lots of accounts and win the survival tournaments, making it hard for main accounts to compete.

Enrollment spots will be filled up with multiple accounts. And as a few other players have mentioned, many multis already exist that have huge sums of gold stored up.

niranjan2009, I'm just curious why you're holding money with one additional account? I mean they can't do EG SG services, can't buy anything cool...

Why spend so much time on one additional? Or you're planning switch your main in future? :)

Well the major issue is that multiple accounts have a profound effect on the economy.

why you think this? It's a natural course spend some money buying new things... And this money will back...

Admins also can generate gold if they want... They have 1% from tax, and 65% of the players here are without gold for the basics... That's why we have many cheaters and many people which lost all their gold on roullete, because they don't enrrol enough, because they spend more than get etc.

People who are good at the survival tournament could create lots of accounts and win the survival tournaments, making it hard for main accounts to compete.

I doubt some one will spend so much time making many accounts with same faction, only to get one small badge on profite to one additional account.

Also don't forget, additional accounts are weaker than main, because only few people spend time building they, they are accounts for fun not to make it up.

Enrollment spots will be filled up with multiple accounts. And as a few other players have mentioned, many multis already exist that have huge sums of gold stored up.

When I started play this game, I don't remember if was on 2009 or 2010, we have 1.100 players online here, and NEVER have any problem on find enrrol places, but if needed i'm sure they will make more mines to enrrol, that's the smaller problem, you don't even need think about it, because who should do it it's the administration if they think it's needed. (and i doubt need it before at least 6 - 8 months, maybe couple years.)

Allowing more multis to play means that element prices will spiral downward. As it is, multiple accounts already sell lots of elements and influence the prices.

The same for hunter arts.

Two things will happen.

- More people will be level up EG, making powerfull stuff to sell on market, and sure with many offer you could get that item you have dream before to get to youself.

- With hunts sets cheap, you can buy cheap, and still sell a little more expensive, or just lease for a fair price, it's don't change anything, just a new balance of currently prices.
I think the most interesting think is, Some people have 3 accounts here and 3 accounts on 3... total 6 accounts... But no ones complains...

Even with the merge coming, if they are allowed to have 6 accounts... I didn't saw no one complaining about it... Interesting...
for DecayWolf:
i don't have time to play with it
its just helping me to enroll @ production or machining as my multi is the one who buys stuff so that all can enroll
and i am very patient with him so i profit a good amount with it
there are many here who do that
you must do some "research" before you speak so confidently
I can think of at least 1 example of a multi with enough money to be worth any 10 others.


"Not so much money" you might think. "Only 230K"

This Multi had enough money lying around to create their own military clan. That's 2.5 million gold! And most of that money obviously didn't go back into facilities.

Considering some of the rules restricting Multis, it shouldn't be a surprise that they actually don't have that many options for spending their gold and end up accumulating a massive hoard that they truly have trouble spending.

3.13. Additional characters are not allowed to make presents to anyone, or pay/receive clan taxes/entrance fees.
3.13.2. Additional characters are not allowed to enchant or repair other players' items.
3.13.3. Additional characters are not allowed to transfer items for repairing or enchanting.
3.13.5. Additional characters are not allowed to buy avatars (even at the expense of the main character) or any other game services.
3.13.6. Additional characters are not allowed to buy, trade or exchange rare/set artifacts and Thieves' Guild invitations(TGIs).
3.13.7. Additional characters are not allowed to interact with Estates in any way, i.e. buying or selling them (including betting on them on the auction), renting rooms, storing artifacts, etc.

Also, you misunderstood niranjan2009 in post #33. The reason he asked any good reason why this must be implemented?, IMO, is because of the I&S Forum Local Rule # 4.

4. Any idea should have a purpose and describe the means of it's realization. *It should also answer the question: "Why it needs to be done?".*

Finally many people have been *very* concerned about what happens to their characters if they will have more than 3 after the merge happens. It is one of the more common concerns expressed in the thread about the Merge.

Have Fun

4. Any idea should have a purpose and describe the means of it's realization. *It should also answer the question: "Why it needs to be done?".

I forget to put on first post all details :), but it's on all the thread gonna just copy they...

"Good" faetures...

- free to play style with more accounts, test more factions, builds experiments, better faction knowledge, etc.
- faster to find battles, more battles as CG.
- more easier to indetify cheaters which transfer gold between.
- little increase of donaters.

"Natural" faetures...
- cheaper elements, hunt sets and CG.

Notes: Who don't have time to play with more than 3 don't will change anything...
Who don't want to play with more than 3 "at same time" don't will change anything...

This Multi had enough money lying around to create their own military clan. That's 2.5 million gold! And most of that money obviously didn't go back into facilities.

Everyone have his own play style, I don't want say how you should play or anything...

But at my opnion one addtional account, should have money only to battle and build the castle, all money without use, at least myself, spend all on artefacts, becuz I don't see why one add should have money. Like you said they can't buy anything cool.

And admins have lot money without use, of course most players don't will hold their money, will spend they all, just want remember we have many cheaters and roullete players, because they don't have enough money for anything.

Admins could generate gold...
So I don't think we will miss gold on facilites...

So that's it, but I don't see why this thread should stay open, because it's more a debate than an suggestion of one idea, if it will be implemented or not, I don't care, but tried.

At least if unlimited is "wrong" should put one account limitation. More fair.
closed by Lord DecayWolf (2012-06-17 01:33:33)
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