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AuthorGifting to someone else (no multi but playing from same ip)
Is it legal to give gifts to someone who is sharing ones ip even if they are not our multis? I mean, if I have a brother/cousin playing from my ip, can he/she legally send me gold?
nope its illegal
ohh so you checking to get narutoayan and PLAP blocked.
they have returned gold
no need for friends like him :(
and for your info i returned gift
ohh so you checking to get narutoayan and PLAP blocked.
they have returned gold

I know, I just wanted to clarify myself incase I was wrong, but as COD said, I am right!
for Vlaer:
Nope, wrong.

for ___C-O-D___:
You're the one wrong XD

I have asked such questions many times, and the answer is :

"You can but it shouldn't exceed the gifts limit."

Do you want proof of this?
yes we do on behalf of others
Admins should make it clear in the general rules, I don't know whether I am blind or it isn't written clearly there...
[Player banned by moderator Edwin1908 until 2012-06-21 17:16:10 // 1.7. Additional characters are not allowed to leave messages at the "Main forums" sections of the forum. Applicat
for ___C-O-D___:
You're the one wrong XD

you sure??

i always thought sending gold to a account was illegal coz u kinda cant prove if it is your account or not so.....

Do you want proof of this?

yes plz :)
to account with same ip i meant :)
Is it legal to give gifts to someone who is sharing ones ip even if they are not our multis? I mean, if I have a brother/cousin playing from my ip, can he/she legally send me gold?

Theoretically yes. But admins can not check whether there is really a different person behind that account, so you should avoid transfers (especially gifts) between characters of the same IP.
But admins can not check whether there is really a different person behind that account

exactly so to them its multi account
What about the following scenario :

Friends share same IP for sometime (same dorm), and then go different ways. Is loaning or gifting still illegal ??

narutoayan and PLAP should have been blocked,but they were lucky so that's great !

But as far as your case is concerned there can BE NO TRANSFERS between two people of the same IP .
NO TRANSFERS. you got your answer now close this.
I am saying ... they do not have same IP for past 4 months atleast. Are they then considered same IP friends ?
i think its wrong,PLAY-LIKE-A-PR0

should be unblocked,after all he returned the gold.
okay i agree i started the investigation ,


my previous account was v21.
PLAY-LIKE-A-PR0 was blocked,but he is an old friend and we both started playing this game at around the same time he had many multis but now most of them are blocked and THERE ARE NO TRANSFERS BETWEEN THEM.

So i think PLAP should be unblocked.You can impose a penalty but blocking is unfair also after he returned all his money.;
There is no point discussing individual cases here. It does not matter if you convince yourselves (and others) that it is legal/illegal.

It is what admins think which counts.

Same IP transfers will look like illegal financial assistance.

"Friends" who login from your IP address & you logging in from friends IP address will look like password sharing / account violation.

If you want to have a chance of being given the benefit of the doubt then you are wise to avoid ALL interaction between accounts which ever log in from same IP addresses.
i guess you're right.
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