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How to build estates
Well you can't build estates. Only possible way is to buy from Empire's Luxury Auction or from another player who already owns one. Either way, estates are rather expensive to buy and expensive to upgrade so you need way more gold if you want one.
You can't build them. You can either buy it from other players, or from the market when the empire posts it there for auction.
there are currently one estate for sell in market
[Post deleted by moderator hpsim // off topic]
[Player banned by moderator hpsim until 2012-07-22 08:20:03 // Flooding in Q&H]
Well you can't build estates. Only possible way is to buy from Empire's Luxury Auction or from another player who already owns one.
Refer here for luxury auctions.
This will also help.
The process is very complicated. First, you will need the following:

a) 500,000 gold
b) 217 woods
c) 131 ores
d) 25 mercury
e) 36 sulfurs
f) 49 crystals
g) 64 gems
h) 16 diamonds
i) 10 of each elements (toadstools, viper venom, meteorite shards, etc.)

On the 15th of any odd month, between 0:00 and 4:00 server time, transfer all of above to Empire, all of which are non-refundable regardless of what happens next. Also send PM to Empire stating your request. Then, before the end of the day, you must win 9 hunts, 3 mercenary quests, and 6 thief ambushes. If you fail, you may attempt again on the 15th of the next odd month. You may have up to 3 attempts.

If you succeed, the Empress will randomly appoint one of her Councilors to oversee the construction of an estate at the location of your choice. This is of course beneath the Councilors, so whichever Councilor is appointed, he will order all lords of his faction to carry out the task instead. Thus, these lords must cease combat activities for 3 days to assist with the construction (e.g. if Councilor Quetlisse is appointed, no Elf may enter combat for 3 days). Then, on the 15th of the next month, you will be the proud owner of a new estate.

I am KIDDING, of course. :D
[Post deleted by moderator Edwin1908 // off topic]
to make it short
You can't build them. You can either buy it from other players, or from the market when the empire posts it there for auction.

, estates are rather expensive to buy and expensive to upgrade so you need way more gold if you want one.

there are currently one estate for sell in market

you need more gold for an estate. closing the topic
closed by Lady hpsim (2012-07-23 06:53:24)
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