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AuthorOur community - Traffic report
Look what I have found:


This is report showing where our players come from :)

It is pretty dominated by few countries and as you can see, India rules!

P.S. Please do not post here other links and mind the rules while discussing :)
My god, as expected, Indians like me waste their time on playing games :p
Surprised to see Italy up there
Are you sure this is right? Can't seem to find The Netherlands between them?
i know, i can see most of them in chat....
for Arcanide:

Try veryfiying that by searching for other sites that privide such info. I will do it too.
Does not make sense to me that russia is not on the list. There are alot of russians that play here.
Does not make sense to me that russia is not on the list. There are alot of russians that play here.

Completely different statistics!

Completely different statistics!


Makes no sense whatsoever
Makes no sense whatsoever

That's what. Greece has the highest!
Atleast, something is true and u cant neglect that Indians play this game more than any other country people...
Hm, the second page stats make even less sense to me. The country concentration with 40% for Greece is impossible, unless there are some facility script users in Greece that generate a lot of traffic ;)
Hm, the second page stats make even less sense to me. The country concentration with 40% for Greece is impossible, unless there are some facility script users in Greece that generate a lot of traffic ;)

yup, that's what. More people should try and find out the actual thing...
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