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how much more?
To be honest I don't exactly know.
Trying to look for older cases, but need to go afk soon.

With TGI it is 70% of value that is allowed

So here the minimal price you could buy it for would be 115500 if you follow the same reasoning.
But the situation might not be comparable since TGI is a much more fixed value item on LWM than enchants is.
how much more?ready to pay to any limit :P
i think 124k is the price you should pay
how much more?ready to pay to any limit :P

Okay, first of all you do not have much money so you are actually not "ready" to pay any limit. Secondly, I don't understand why you keep insisting on profiting from something "illegally obtained". That's just asking for a punishment. Trust me it is not worth risking for some profit, especially if it is a hefty profit because those attract a lot of attention.

I strongly encourage you to send it back to bone_hunter for repair+transaction which is 7.3K or send it to Empire for the same price with message or description.
I've recalculated that art's current price. It's current price BEFORE being repaired was 96.7k.

Let's also exclude 7.6k as it's repairment price + 10% blacksmith's interest rate so our final price should be 88.3k.

Let us also keep in mind that some discount could've taken place. So the reasonable price for this artifact should be starting from 70k and up to 100k.
closed by Lord cantbstopped (2012-08-26 10:57:47)
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