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AuthorThe Golden Duck Challenge
for Baweja:
So what shud i say sorry then take it sorry!!!
for Baweja:
So what shud i say sorry then take it sorry!!!

you spam like hell.. i come slowly to lvl 4 if you are still there i take match against you..
I challenge jprajoy again! :)
i retain my GD title in a fast paced game against master barb "narutoayan".

GD: jprajoy

Wins : 1

narutoayan challenges again :-)
Challenging lvl 14 Golden Duck : SonMike
for naapa_no_ban:Then challenge my alt Saif1 for gD!!
Debeljuca was casualy sitting in her vagon smoking her pipe and writing when one of her serfs knocked at the door.
"Milady, we have some problems that require your attention immediately"
"What the ..." she thought while equiping her armour and axe. She had no time for problems, she was on an important task, delivering that letter to her clan council was of utmost importance.

When she came to the front of her caravan she saw an elf commander and his men blocking her way.
"Oh, those pointy-ears, always problems with them." she thought to herself.
"What is the problem, elf?" she talked to him as calmly as she could manage. "I have no time to waste."
"You are the problem, this is our territory, and we can not let you pass."
Oh the arrogance of those treelovers!
Her blood started boiling, she WILL teach him modesty.
"As you wish flowerchild, then we shall pass through you"

She turned back and yelled to her men "At arms, show them the ways of the Free Clans"
Oh, she heard about him, Lord Kakan, a great elven commander, famous for his skills in battle. He was more expirienced with his troops, then she was.
But she was not afraid.
She knew quite a few things about those elves. Some time ago she even trained with some elves. She knew their strenghts and weaknesses, their tactics and battle formations.
Her father, one of the Elders of her clan, was revered for his wisdom as much as for his battle rage. She remmemberd how, still a child, she used to sit with him and his companions listening their stories of past battles.
Later when her father realized her interests in warcraft he paid teachers who teached her basics of warfare of all factions, even arranged for her to train amongst them.
She knew them.
Also, as she could see, Lord Kakan did not have some of his best archers with him.
She did have an upper hand on that.

The elves holded their ground, in a close formation, protecting their archers. Debeljuca chosed a wide formation, in fear of the swirling blades of his forest keepers, able to strike many man at once.
The battle started as it could be predicted, Debeljuca tried to push her forces in a position for a swift strike, while elven bowmen started to pick first casualties in her ranks. Druids casted their protective spells on archers who was decimated by Debeljucas spearmen.
Both armies were trying to get into position to make a decisive strike, fast and strong.
And then she saw an opportunity.
Magic glyphs on priests glowed for a moment as the magic has triggered and the stoneskin spell on forest keepers was tranfered to priests, just prior to the hit of their missiles.
She signaled again and another set of runes glowed on brawlers. They charged straight to the center of the enemy force and hit the forest keepers, who retailed with astonishing fury.
Another signal, and another set of runes glowed, and the pride of her army, dreaded bear riders charged over the field to attack unicorns, and yet another fierce retaliation. Things were looking preatty bad for her.
The battle was brutal, his forest keepers had easy time with remnants of her brawlers, while spearmen massacred elven archers. Brave elven swordmen then stormed the bear riders but found themselves no match for dwarves. Lord Kakan concentrated his attacks on her bears, who were overruned buy unicorns and a rain of missiles from druids.
She had to pull out bear riders from the midst of the battle while two armies continued to pour missiles on the enemies.
Lord Kakan pushed his forces forward and she tried to use swift attacks with few remaining bears to disable his fast unicorns. Batlefield became a series of small battles as individual units tried to finish their enemies. The bears fell at last, but she still had her last resort weapon, her mighty spearmen.
Trained in both missile and hand to hand combat they were a force to behold.

At last elves spent all of their missiles and she knew that now she has a good chance of finishing this. One by one elven elders and beutifull white stallions fell under the strikes of her spearmen, the battle was decided.
"Enough" she cried aloud, and her troops stoped."They fought bravely, let them keep their lives."
She had a task to perform, no time for pleasures.
"You fought good Lord Kakan, but this time Lady Luck has favoured me. I hope you learned to respect the war skills of the Free Clans of the Dwarves."
The stern look on his face was saying that he did. She was certain that they will meet on the battlefield again.
Well ,she will think of that later, now they must continue their yourney.
The road was finally celar.
sorry for multiposting, but the story turned out quite long
i actually tried to depicture the actual battle, so read the story and see if i managed to do so

anyway, i defetead teh GD for lv 9, Kakan


i also lvl up, so GD lv 9 is not in my hands any more
Ranor would now who is the holder now

hope you will have fun reading it an watching the battle

Well i think its kakan again and i wana challenge him right away :P
If we follow what have happend in this place eralier, then you Electivire is the GD, but we can always fight for it if you like it that way :)
Well first of all I have to applaude debeljuca for the very atmospheric battle report, I enjoyed it very much.

considering lvl 9 GD

lvl 9
Golden duck: Electivire (0 win)
1. kakan
I have to applaude debeljuca for the very atmospheric battle report, I enjoyed it very much.
came on lvl 7 players challenge me
for barbmaster:
U asked for it...i challenge you for lvl7 gd!!no ap restrictions!!
It was a good game with kakan

lvl.9 GD : Electivire ( 1 win )
Challenger : Anyone but please come with full arts so we can fight in CG
chalange lv 13 golden duck jprajoy. i coulnd fint time to fight agaist former duck but now i get some time after holidays
seems fun, I shall challenge Electivire for lvl.9 GD
to all those who made this event a real success as well as the silent onlooker who enjoyed watching the battles, I would like to bring to your attention that I proposed something similar to be integrated into the game.


Please post your comments and thoughts about it there.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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