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Authorstrongest character
Can anyone plzz tell me the strongest character in level 5 as I want to change my character n don't know which is best ....
[Player banned by moderator Edwin1908 until 2012-10-06 14:09:44 // Additional characters are not allowed to leave messages at the "Main forums" sections of the forum.]
Do you mean faction?
And strongest in what? In PvP, in hunt, mg?
strongest in what?
gold, guild, fsp?
please be more specific
Your strongest faction will be the one you have the most faction points in.

Aside from that every faction has other factions they are very strong or weak v's and AI battle types they are better at than other factions.
The strongest faction is whatever you are good at. The best tool is useless if you don't know how to use it.
According to GPC, it would be this one:


http://www.guildofheroes.ru/lords.php?levelst=5&levelfin=5&sort=27&napr=1&submi t=search...&nick=
for _Sworks_: I guess he's asking about Which Faction is the Best.
yes killer_dash i m asking for which faction is best in level 5 as i want to change my faction so i want to know which faction is strongest Dwarf , Barb , Knight , Elf , Dark elf , necro , which ???

btw this is ultimatenash only this is my main account
Of course, if some faction would have been the best, everyone would have become that faction, but it is not so. It depends on how you want to play. Do you want a combination of might and magic? Want to be a magic expert? Save your gold?
Yes combination of magic n might but powerful magic n ofcourse master of magic n save gold but if needed to spend ready 4 it
for neel007:

You must remember tho', that your new faction will have a faction level of 0. So no matter what faction you'll change into, you are going to have a FL handicap ;)
The strongest low lvl player.

The best fractions for PvP on low lvls are elves and barbarians
For PvE : Elves , DE
Yes n on level 5 I guess the best faction is barb n necro but sirmorphius is right dont change
Ok thank you guys
closed by Lord Edwin1908 (2012-10-07 16:34:49)
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