Author | Several bugs |
If a player is banned on the russian forums, it will look like a normal ban
Forum: Player banned by moderator "Russian_name" until 2013-11-06 19:49 // "Russian_description" Message
But if you click on the word "message" it will go to
instead of
The first link does not exist, so it will automatically redirect to which is the main forum page |
if you hover your mouse over this badge on the profile, it will still say poleaxe. While it has been renamed to lance; |
Same for:
which has been renamed to "unholy knight blackshard" | [#397]
news.php - .ru/.com
Script news.php works properly on russian interface, but not on english.
.ru: "News" ( --> // forum branch with latest game news
.com: "News" ( --> // main forum page
i think the problem is in .php script (news.php)
i guess that there is no case distinction for english/russian interface, so if you click on russian interface on "news", you'll get: id=1
and on english interface:, also id=1,
BUT official announcements' forum branch has id=101.
And because there exists no forum branch with id=1 on english interface, you will be automatically redirected to "forum.php" | [#184]
# hunt:
look at "Wild griffins". problems with animation:
here is a small video with the wild griffins' animation bug: |
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ] |
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ] |
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ] |
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ] |
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ] |
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ] |
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ] |
[#406]-[#412] - big problem. disinformation of players.
Public services
Button "[Public services]" on page
is available ONLY at location "Empire Capital", at other locations it is not available.
(but of course you can still see this button at every location on map.php)
• Empire Capital
[Mining] --> Ore pit (
Buttons on the top:
[Mining] [Machining] [Production] [Public services]
• Dragons' Caves
[Mining] --> Obsidian occurrence (
Buttons on the top:
[Mining] [Machining] [Production]
---> button "[Public services]" is missing
• photo:
problem with citating function javascript:quoter() = [quote.][/quote.]
(i use here "quote" with dots). --> bug/feature ??
if you type only [quote.] without final [/quote.] then the rest of the text will be cursive.
possible solution: check regular expression for it. test("\[quote\][a-zA-Z0-9...]*\[\/quote\]")
if it doesn't fit in it, then user will get a message, that he forgot the final [/quote.] (similar when you use russian letter on english forum).
here i use only [quote.] without the final [/quote.], so the rest of the text will be cursive |
[#413], problem with citating function
• photo:
This problem we can see e.g. in this forum thread:
"Card Tournament brought by Arcomages Training Grounds" Jedi Knight)
The problem is also that there is no visible charcters counter on forum, so if you write too much text and then place in the end of you text this [/quote.]-tag, then it will be just cropped and your text will be messed up.
Wouldn't it be easier to make an official chracter counter in every forum thread and a function which checks if the last quote tag was closed or not after user have presses the button "Post message" ? |
*[#414]user have presses - of course i mean "have pressed" ;)
...i think i have to check in the future my text before i post something... it's pity that it isn't possible to correct the text after you've posted it.
(this post can be deleted) |
problems with names on forum (after merge)
Official announcements
Topic - Festival of Simulated Threat
Date - 12.26, 17:40
# - 2
Author - #4201 Arctic --->
Last message - 12.27, 05:09, by Arctic --->
--> different chracters
problems with deleted charcters
example: (active player)
Family: sweet_cheeks (wife), zzz_zebra_elve (dad), hellfire3291 (sister), Sir Jedi Knight (brother)
--> click on: "sweet_cheeks (wife)" --> [0], deleted
also some players here:
this old official announcment contains lot of old URLs which doesn't more work.
e.g. battle links: ... -> "Sopel" and -> "Uhrsok" were slain...
and artifacts from demonic soldier set have also wrong URLs:
-> |
The problem is also that there is no visible charcters counter on forum, so if you write too much text and then place in the end of you text this [/quote.]-tag, then it will be just cropped and your text will be messed up.
"your text will be messed up". i wasn't right here - [/quote.]-tag was set intentionally in the end and the idea of this hypothetical text author was to make the end of text cursive. if the rest of it inclusive this [/quote.]-tag was cropped, it will be in any way still cursive. so this isn't really a problem.
ok, we can say that this quoter()-function is rather stable and will also work if the ending quote-tag is missing.
but the problem is that there will never be checked the complitness of quote-tags ("tag opened" [quote.] and "tag closed" [/quote.]).
so the problem is still relevant, because lot of players (and as we can see also high-level players) use this quator()-function manually (so they write by themself "[quote.]" and "[/quote.]")
So you can also use it to make your text cursive somewhere in the middle of your text and you just forgot to close the quote-tag, so the problem we can see here:
so i think that our forum works not 100% properly. i think we need:
- official chracters counter (forum and everywhere else)
- regex to check the syntax of the quoter()-tags. best case will be of course if player will have some preview of his text before it will be posted.
• example of the idea: |
About the game - photo with russian descriptions (Market)
on this photo is everything written in russian:
I think there should be a photo with english texts, e.g. this one:
---> |
Short Intro. How to start
Ready to Play? .... To check whether it is installed or not, try to watch any combat completely, for instance, this one.
battle is completly in russian. i think that there should be some newer battle with newer character animations and english texts. (now the battle text is some mix of russian and english words)
Find your own tactics to win! ...
old picture, i think it should be updated. |
Dont know it had been reported or not
When you transfer element to someone to his disposal, in your inventory, the element is in russian. |