Author | This message is uncensored |
I am not able to post anywhere in the forum.When I click post,it comes written,this message is uncensored |
That happens when your message contains cyrillic letters. |
When I tried to submit some proofs in the CnA this problem occurred.When the last time I tried to make a thread in QnH,i couldnt.
Now I could?what is this happening?Any clues? |
cyrillic letters? |
you posted a part of the transferlog, and somewhere in there is a russian weird name with those weird letters. |
i m sure you were posting your message with some russian words in it :)
remove the russia words, meanwhile use the link to show the player :) |
ok thanks.that solves it :)
It also happens frequently with common English words.
For eacmple, try and send a mail with "two great" anywhere in the text.
Just try and re-write it using different words or word orders etc. |
It also happens frequently with common English words.
For eacmple, try and send a mail with "two great" anywhere in the text.
Just try and re-write it using different words or word orders etc.
hmm... interesting |
closed by Lord DarkAtom (2013-02-21 17:54:00) |