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Authormy wife becomes angry when i play this game
what should I do if i want to play lords and dont make wife angry? does anyone has similar situations?
hahaha love it! Why does she get mad?
have no idea:) says that the game is more important then her..
if ur a true gamer, divorce her ]:)
my wife gets mad too, mate. but she likes to play her own games to relax, so deep down, she understands. although she can quit her games instantly whenever she needs to... and sometimes i'm needed/have to do something and i'm doing PvP and everyone and everything must wait for the battle to end. damn, does that make her mad or what :p
i have to say the bottomline is: i make more money than she does, so she really has to suck it up (you know, the thing that makes the world go around?)
so my advice is: make more money than her :D
i already make 4x more money then she:) i would want so see her face if she would know that i bought tgi and diamond upgrade :). but she plays too all facebook games
i make more money than she does, so she really has to suck it up (you know, the thing that makes the world go around?)
so my advice is: make more money than her :D

You Sir, just made my day.
My Idol.

see her face if she would know that i bought tgi and diamond upgrade :).

HAHAHA. She spents it as clothes, you at a game! Why not? :D
if you use certain position she cannot see you play her and lords
When an event comes along I warn my wife ahead of time that I will be highly distracted for the next while while doing the event. Letting her know ahead of time helps alot. She is actually pretty cool about it.
Not an easy one.

RL has to come first but hopefully your wife will compromise as she plays her own games too.

Maybe do something for her in the times when you are not playing? Go for a meal or even just do something together at home like play a board game or some sort of craft or something?

Good luck.
buy her a ring.
you get immunity for 50 years
for CopyNinja:
He already bought her a ring xD

Just play when on job and have a good time with her at home and play on phone when she is busy
Have her create a character and play with you :D
Your wife gets angry ? My whole family is angry >.>
RL has to come first

not only this game, when we spend too much time on something.. some will get hurt, angry and upset.

managing time is very important mate. if people learn about it, problems dont come often.
just give her you know what i mean
Once my Gf told me to stop playing this "Stupid" game
Then What??
Frm nxt day onwards she became single :) :p
That's why there are so many PVE players in this game who could get out of it anytime while things are going bad :)
The obvious decision you should take, (and surprisingly nobody suggested it to you so far), is:

Stop playing the game. Your wife/gf is more important. Spend all time with her. Show her that you care.

If she cares too, and sees how much you like the game, and she knows that she is more important than the game and that you can actually leave off the game at any moment for her, she will actually end up encouraging you to go playing the game for some time, and she will be very understanding when you are in PvP and can't leave off the screen.

But it really has to be in that order. The game is a threat, a competitor for the attention you give. When there is no competition, and no threat in sight, she'll be a sweaty pie...
she'll be a sweaty pie...

mmm sweaty pie... ;)

Three suggestions:

1. Build a man cave. Escape it all!
2. Cheat on her. (Not highly recommended. She will still be angry, but probably not so much about the time you spend playing Lords!)
3. Take Naviron's advice. (Probably more sensible, but not quite as fun, right?).

Perhaps the most sensible advice I can give you is not to call your wife a sweaty pie.
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