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AuthorCongratz to MC #4201, Second ex-.com MC, top 50
Someone passes by, I raise my eyebrows, watch, and what do I see? A coat, a hat, jeans and some boots, or do I see "somebody"?

And if the coat was "made in" Russia, can I say I've just seen a Russian?

No, I "see" the person inside the shell, of course, and the place the coat was made doesn't tag the person (unless you are totally prejudicial and biased, of course)

It is a great achievement for members of the ex-com world. When I say "member", I mean the person behind the character, not the character itself, and that's the only one that matters, the person, not an html page with colorful pictures.

Gratz to MC #4201, second military clan of ex-com members, thus, second ex-com clan to make it in top 50!


PS: This post also stands as a correction for post https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1985998&page=0#31049187.
MC#7705 is not the only ex-com MC to make it in top 50.
This filled me with tears. * hugging naviron* thank you mate. Russians dont have this mutual respect for mcs as we do.
Congrats to all 'people' who devoted their time for our clan's success.
Naviron, I appreciate your feelings towards us =)
Congratulations guys
U did an extremely bang up job
Huge gratz

for Warlock naviron:
My respect continues to grow for u mate :)
Thnx navi !!
i can recall a battle with you in the war that we did in the war that was much fun :D

And thnx to everyone who devoted their time to bring our MC in the top 50 :)
Pound for pound, you guys did really great! Especially considering you are 80 players short of the cap--at your rate you will be the most effective english speaking clan on the server!

EC isn't a .com clan though...but I support their achievements nonetheless :)
Wow my typing skill is terrible there :S
i can recall a battle with you in the war that we did that was much fun :D
good job!
I'm touched, thank you naviron! =)
Nice words naviron, thank you mate.
Thanks Naviron :). And thanks to all members who did clan vanguards.
Such a nice thread Naviron! Thanks for your acknowledgement. I've been away for a few days, so my thanks is a bit delayed ;)

EC isn't a .com clan though...but I support their achievements nonetheless :)

You are right, EC wasn't a .com clan. But I use the past tense because EC is no longer EC. Once our name change finally goes through, I hope this will be clearer to the ex .com community.
Empire's Wrath is a merged clan of WGW and EC and is made up almost entirely of ex .com members. WGW hasn't disappeared into an .ru clan, that's for sure! As such, if our origins should be debated we are certainly more .com than .ru, through membership as well as spirit. Naviron gets it and put it perfectly, so a big thanks to him!

I am proud of EW's achievement in the event, gratz to every single member who participated!
am proud of EW's achievement in the event, gratz to every single member who participated!
It was a great event, and fun to play with different members also a good way to get to learn each other better.

* We are a clan of two parents, one is an .ru clan and the other is the oldest .com MC. In the end .ru and .com is gone, but I feel we are part of the international community our official language is English just like AnD and EFL so that is the clan's I compare our result too
Thanks for the hat tip, naviron :)

I definitely had a great time doing vanguards with my clan-mates. Got to know a lot of new faces and got to see a lot of old faces again. A huge thanks to all the members who worked hard to get us to the top 50.

Here's to hoping we'll do even better next time. Cheers!
English Speakers - Showing Russians what's what since 1991

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