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Authordiscard or repair?
After the update i assume - repair is profitable in most cases?
am i right?
In most cases repair would be profitable, but for some arts like sword of courage, the repair cost is more than the actual cost of the artifact but still if a smith is giving good rates then you can save some money per battle. Doing calculations is much easier now.
Doing calculations is much easier now.
indeed, but is there a way i can skip those calculations? I cant do it all the time, quite boring ;)
Discard shop arts when they reach 0/x
Well along with good rates the arts with increased durability by the chest are huge money saver on getting them repaired.
4 and 5 - so, its better to discard most shop arts , as repairing them doesnt affect my expenditure.
But smith is good for only special arts.(all rare/unsual dura arts)

it is worth if you repair it for low cost.
some budding smither's do it for low cost.
example: 20% repair for 10% cost etc ...

but, its upto you.
closed by virtual_vitrea (2013-05-11 10:11:06)
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