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   Forums-->Ideas and suggestions-->

Authorenrolling easyer.
i suggest enrolling will just be go to the facilety and either just click enroll or just put combination of 3 numbers. insted of that annoying enrollment now
Player banned by moderator DEATHisNEAR until 2013-05-26 20:18:41 // LR:Ideas suggested multiple times - (1min warning)
-1, Enrolling is fine, I can't find anything wrong with it.
You click, type 6 letters/numbers, press the button and it's done.
2. Enrollment code simplification or possibility to change them.

thats another suggestion which resides inside an official sticky forum post starting with the line :

This list does not feature denied suggestions. The Administration took them to consideration, so posting them again is forbidden.

here is the link to that list for babywolf's sake so he may not get forum bans in the future ;)


I think its so that people dont use scripts to enroll.How ever,if it can be simplified without any other harms,I would love to have an update
Please read local rules and stickies before creating posts in I&S

2. Enrollment code simplification or possibility to change them.
closed by DEATHisNEAR (2013-05-26 20:17:02)
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