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AuthorAttack Survilurgov ( Battles for area )
i'm sure the admins can think of other ways for us to gain battle glory :)

i am sure they will not :)
at least not in bigger amounts

i dont get it why are people complaining?
it is a nice steady income of fsp, and another option for combat, additive to hunt, mg, and PvP.
no one is putting the barrel of a gun to your forehead to play it.
most of the clans compensate costs of equipment.

play it if you want, or do not, if you dislike it.

there are lots of options to fight
tournaments, events, MG, HG, CG, TG, contests...

i personally like this Survilurgs, best fsp for me now
too bad i dont have more time to play :(
i complain because dislike random. desire option for clan choose defend time
desire option for clan choose defend time

its kinda stupid to tell your enemy when to attack you, there is already safe hours,thats enough
i complain because dislike random. desire option for clan choose defend time

or just show at the beginning of the day all the times that we ll be attacked.
now you wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, oh attack in exactly 1 hour from now, right about dinner, i ll have to skip that one, wait, wait, wait, do something else, didnt pay attention and missed others :P
Almost [or should I simple say all] all of us would prefer when the facilities would get attacked.

But that would basically defies the very meaning of 'being attacked' and the very nature of this 'event', wouldn't it? Think about it, if MC can choose when their facilities will get attack, chances are, NO facilities will ever get lost, which would mean no facilities will ever be available for attack and be won. haha.. :)

Then what's the point of having this event at all? Admins might as well stop it after 1-2 weeks when all facilities are captured, right? :)

If we want a game to be realistic, then it should replicate what would happen in the real world - We choose when we want to attack, but can't tell the enemies when to attack us.

And if what the admins said in an interview is true [which I'm 99% sure it is], Phase 2 of this event would enable clans to attack other clans' facilities. Then what? We tell other clans when to attack us? That simply wouldn't be logical.

The randomness of the attacks on our facilities is just a way for clans and its members to prepare for what lies ahead. If a clan is not prepared for the randomness of the attacks now, think of what will happen when Phase 2 comes along..

While I'll be thrilled and all for desired option for clan to choose defend time , it simply won't happen, no matter how much we wish it would..

And like everything else in this game, we, both as a clan or as a clan member, still have a myriad of choices,

- Clan can choose not to have any facilities,
- Clan members can choose not to participate in the defenses [although this action may pose a variety of issues for both clan and its members],
- A player can choose not to be in a MC at all,

All of the above have its pluses and minuses.

What we don't have is to have everything our own way - Enjoying the clan building bonuses from being in a MC, earning great fsp while not spending much gold [due to the reward system] etc, but at the same time, not wanting to defend the facilities when needed/choosing to defend only when we want to.

Like life [and almost all games we play], we are faced with choices all the time. If you think about it, ultimately, the choice is still ours to make in whatever we want, or don't want, to do in this game. :)
That simply wouldn't be logical.
This is not a game based on logic. We also have safe zone? So cant see logic being a prerequisite for known attacks times (they could always just say that we got spies working for us, or even charge us something to pay these spies to say when we will be attacked)

For me the problem is actually the safe zone, it don't fit with international clans. Could be good if we chose between being attacked 24/7 but get 5 row in each or something. To better match our more evenly distributed online players around the day. Should be the same for an MC with same average online players even if some clans have people from all timezones.

earning great fsp while not spending much gold [due to the reward system]
With 100*CL gold. Then my 1600 gold for every won battle and with my ratio of 70% I am actually earning gold per battle. :D :D :D
The BIG idea is that the game has changed, from a game where you can play whenever you want and for how much time you can afford, to a game where you need to be online almost all the time.

Yes, one can chose not to participate in the event, but this may give you a lot of penalties, from loss of FPS to being thrown out of a clan.

This posses a big problem especially to those of us who work. One think is to take a 10 minutes break when you can afford it, log in to lordswm in order to enroll and do a battle. Another think is to rearrange your working time by taking a break when your facilities are attacked.

And since those who work are usually the ones who can afford to buy diamonds, I think admins should find a way to motivate, not penalize us.
The BIG idea is that the game has changed, from a game where you can play whenever you want and for how much time you can afford, to a game where you need to be online almost all the time.

A game should adapt to one's schedule, not the other way round.
or just show at the beginning of the day all the times that we ll be attacked.
now you wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, oh attack in exactly 1 hour from now, right about dinner, i ll have to skip that one, wait, wait, wait, do something else, didnt pay attention and missed others :P

And since those who work are usually the ones who can afford to buy diamonds, I think admins should find a way to motivate, not penalize us.

thats why admins gave us 10 hours safe time - earn real money for them :p
and sleep when you're dead :p
Guys this may sound like a really dumb question but what happens if a facility reaches 0% health ?
Then the clan wil loose the facility =)
really dumb question

good question actualy.

Keep your (our) facilities above 0 (near 100) pls. Don't test if lost at 0 or -1 and make me feel guilty ;)
with my ratio of 70% I am actually earning gold per battle

No dear your are not earning any extra gold as 70% winning ratio is not that much good. If u can work little more on your winning ratio, you can surely get much better benefits in form of exp/fsp ratio, BG and golds.
with my ratio of 70% I am actually earning gold per battle
actually i didn't get it :P
for Poison Ivy:
What I think he is trying to say is that the gold he got from his 70% ratio is more then the gold spend on arts to do all the fights.

The formula is this:
gold spend on arts for a fight *100 fights < gold gained from winning a fight * 70 fights
with my ratio of 70% I am actually earning gold per battle
Very simple

Total Art cost for is less than gold gain from win.
I feel that my defence difficulty is decreased/increasing by very small amount.
Sometimes i get weak army infront of me where as sometime i get to fight huge army and all this without a loos.

Had anyone else has faced this ?
It made me to think that difficulty is different for each facility that we defend ?
(as it is for attack & defence)
the difficulty is distributed among the team?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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