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AuthorAttack Survilurgov ( Battles for area )
simply, invest money, buy rare arts fully enchanted, make admins happy ))
actually the whole idea of Military Clan ( yes that is what MC is) is now finally for the active and warlike players.

as it was ment to be from the start.

not just for any player who likes a shiny icon next to his name.
It will end up demanding rather than asking for your activity.

You sound like you are being forced by your clan leaders to be active. The game itself does not demand you to be active. Your account will not get blocked or deleted if you are not active in a certain way or form. But if you want something, you have to play (work?) for it. Do you want the clan bonuses enough to play for it or not? It's all up to you, really.
in order to have a continuous war, there should be almost near power opponents.
I'm afraid, our dear admins failed to realize that simple fact.

this new update - although probably meant to increase total amount of arts used - simply have an effect of decreasing total fights.

now, a few clans who have the majority of extreme arts simply erasing all competition. I'm amazed the resistance #5063 performed so far versus 7777 but they probably know its a futile effort.

Check those races to grab facilities. Win counts dropped significantly. If a powerful clan going for it (although army composition is hidden now, still quite easy to guess) almost no other clan bothers to give a try. They know, even if they won the race now, they wont be able to keep it.

lets see what future brings :)
actually the whole idea of Military Clan ( yes that is what MC is) is now finally for the active and warlike players.

as it was ment to be from the start.

Different clans have different purposes, and different goals. And, of course, people join the clan they like more. I like my clan not because of clan wars, attacking others, defending facilities, but rather because of the family feeling, I've met really nice people here, and I think this is the most important - meet new people, make friends, and have fun with them. It can be in a defence facility battle, in an event battle, or even in a double ambush. And, for me, this is why I'm in a military clan. Not all players join a military clan only for the shiny icon next to their name, just as well not everyone joins it to defend the clan's facilities like there is no tomorrow.

The game is demanding more activity lately, and this is good and bad at the same time. This is one of the best online games I've ever played, I just hope it doesn't become a travian, where either you play really actively or you are out.
You sound like you are being forced by your clan leaders to be active. The game itself does not demand you to be active. Your account will not get blocked or deleted if you are not active in a certain way or form. But if you want something, you have to play (work?) for it. Do you want the clan bonuses enough to play for it or not? It's all up to you, really.
It must be hard to know what being part of an MC means when you have never tried it. It is rarely about the clanbonus or even mines in the end. It may be the selling point for some but I know people from different MC and it goes beyond that.

Also ofc people are not forcing anybody to play but people want to experience the different aspects of the game, so the game structure has changed. It has been shifting towards Want-2-play into need-2-play structure in this aspect. I myself has lost a great deal of interest to then game after this new feature and has mentioned it many times in here. Hard to explain the difference probably but I bet many who are or have been part of an MC still understand me.

actually the whole idea of Military Clan ( yes that is what MC is) is now finally for the active and warlike players.
I disagree, I don't mind war features, but these are made for people who can an will focus on the game in such degree that will scare many people away.
The game is demanding more activity lately, and this is good and bad at the same time. This is one of the best online games I've ever played, I just hope it doesn't become a travian, where either you play really actively or you are out.

I think the problem is game mechanics.

When a clan have facilities he must receive 2 attacks facilie/day
If the clan had a sub-sector then increase to 3 attacks aon those facilities ( 4 facilities = 12 attacks )
If had 2 sub-sectors 4 attacks facilite/day ( 8 facilities = 36 attacks )
3 sub-sectors 5 attacts facilitie/day ( 12 facilities = 60 attacks )
Full sector 6 attacks facilitie/day ( 16 facilities = 96 attacks )

This way powerfull clans will have more difficult to keep safe and leave some place for non-harcore players/clans.
96 attacks / 14 hours.
6.85 attack per hour... it's too much...
Last facility remains at 37%
3 more lost in last 24 hours

The game is demanding way too much activity lately =(
after new updates. many clans loss there belongs forced to relocate, some are now homeless and some are got what they dream before(full district ). i don't know whats going on here is what admin really expected. if not they have add 2-3 more new map district to keep balancing.
"Different clans have different purposes, and different goals. And, of course, people join the clan they like more. I like my clan not because of clan wars, attacking others, defending facilities, but rather because of the family feeling, I've met really nice people here, and I think this is the most important - meet new people, make friends, and have fun with them."

you dont have to join a Military clan for this, that is what regular clans are for. ( just my opinion off course)
The game is demanding more activity lately, and this is good and bad at the same time. This is one of the best online games I've ever played, I just hope it doesn't become a travian, where either you play really actively or you are out.

Also ofc people are not forcing anybody to play but people want to experience the different aspects of the game, so the game structure has changed. It has been shifting towards Want-2-play into need-2-play structure in this aspect.

It's comments like these that draw me back to this thread. You are making broad statements about the whole game based on a narrow clan-centric perspective combined with I-must-have-a-mine perspective. Those are wrong and unfair (the statements, not the perspectives). Those are worse than pre-merge doomsaying. Defending mines demand commitment but there are no rules telling you to get one. You can also still be a clan without mines. It is absolutely optional. The game still offers you the choice to be as active or inactive as you please. Do not blame the game for your clan policies or social pressure.

I disagree, I don't mind war features, but these are made for people who can an will focus on the game in such degree that will scare many people away.

But the game has to accommodate hardcore players too. There are already a lot of features in the game for casual players. You don't really need an MC to do CG or TG or group battles.

It must be hard to know what being part of an MC means when you have never tried it.

I like to think that I have a good imagination. I have thought about what being in an MC is like and I am not impressed. Feel free to pity me for not having experienced the "security" or the "pleasure" or the "camaraderie" of being in an MC. XD
When a clan have facilities he must receive 2 attacks facilie/day
If the clan had a sub-sector then increase to 3 attacks aon those facilities ( 4 facilities = 12 attacks )
If had 2 sub-sectors 4 attacks facilite/day ( 8 facilities = 36 attacks )
3 sub-sectors 5 attacts facilitie/day ( 12 facilities = 60 attacks )
Full sector 6 attacks facilitie/day ( 16 facilities = 96 attacks )

totally agree.

this will bring stability. or else 90% of MC will be gonner :(
For Woodbox:

Yes I was thinking much the same as you propose:

When a clan have facilities he must receive 2 attacks facilie/day
If the clan had a sub-sector then increase to 3 attacks aon those facilities ( 4 facilities = 12 attacks )
If had 2 sub-sectors 4 attacks facilite/day ( 8 facilities = 36 attacks )
3 sub-sectors 5 attacts facilitie/day ( 12 facilities = 60 attacks )
Full sector 6 attacks facilitie/day ( 16 facilities = 96 attacks )

and/or significant increases in Survilurg strength the more sectors the MC has.

I am pretty certain there will be more changes/tweaks to come.
and/or significant increases in Survilurg strength the more sectors the MC has.

im pretty sure this was mentioned in the news
If the attack rates were same as before... what would be the point of the Survilurgs? It would be a win win situation for all clans. Where is the spark where you gotta co ordinate with every possible member to fight someone off?

And keeping hold of a Sector needs to be like a HUGE achievement.
Let's see... 96 attacks = 672 battles = 2.688 Battles per member.

I guess that's a pretty fine number of battles per member for a very strong clan. Also noting the fact that this will be the scenario for one of the top clans. We can't forget that we have mediocre active clans for whom the number would be roughly not even 0.5 battles per member.
is it just me playing bad, or the survilugs got harder these days? :(
aka, you forget there are three players in each defence battle
is it just me playing bad, or the survilugs got harder these days? :(
Difficulty varies upon the facilities u own, I think the system is designed to make battles harder rather than having more attacks, this way the player's activity does not matter as much

If it had been based on <Xx> number of attacks per facility/Day u own, u wont get much time to rest..
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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