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AuthorAttack Survilurgov ( Battles for area )
With the arrow, you can pass control of your troops to a fellow clan member.
So now everyone accepted that this madness is a permanent game feature :P

All madnesses are permanent...
With the arrow, you can pass control of your troops to a fellow clan member.
the receiver must be of the same lvl or higher
thnx bro :)
So now everyone accepted that this madness is a permanent game feature :P

You can pretty much ignore it. It is possible play the game without it. I think that lower and lower player count is partly because of survilurgs.
You can pretty much ignore it. It is possible play the game without it.
yes that possible, majority are in that part if we consider whole server.
those how like Play PvE and TG/RG and events they don't have any problem.
I think that lower and lower player count is partly because of survilurgs. i don't think so, may be a small part left game,because they seen MC bonus and armament bonus etc(like some left when we merge server :P because they lose there GoD like status in PvP tourney )most of them accept it.
You can pretty much ignore it. It is possible play the game without it

IF most of remaining Empire Wrath players thinks that way, I'm afraid, soon your Military Clan will be left without any facilities. In medium term, no BG (= no clan bonus) and much less armamants.

In long term this may lead all your troops (on average) 2 ini 2 def 2 att less powerful then those in an active NC.

game is evolving, not judging here for better or worse, but its evolving. sruvilogs + clan wars become one of the main features.

PS : I know by heart, EW has many fine warriors who wont let above dark projection become a reality.
Well, i played a lot of survilurgs battles with more or less fun. I like group battles, but permanent "stay on watch" have killed my fun almost completly. It is still only a game and game should be fun. When it start to be second (or first) job and i have to force myself play it, something is wrong.

I dont care about +2 something bonus. For me its not worth that permanent "madness". I can play the game in the way what i like and still have fun. But i understand, that games are evolving and some players like it. Its good, that there are still more ways how to play the game.

I think that lower and lower player count is partly because of survilurgs. i don't think so, may be a small part left game,because they seen MC bonus and armament bonus etc(like some left when we merge server :P because they lose there GoD like status in PvP tourney )most of them accept it.

I just see, that player count is still lower and lower and it has started with survilurgs battles. Even before server merge, online status was mostly 10k+ during the day, 15k+ during events. It was stabile number for long time. In these days online status is mostly about 6k+ during the day, more during events. It is big difference, not only small number of players. And what is the biggest change in the game during the last year ?

Well, for me personally is online status not so much important. I still play mostly alone (hunts, mercenaries, TG), but is good to know, that game what i play (and like) is popular and people like it. Online status could be mark of it. And when it drops almost 50% in one year, something is probably wrong.
It is big difference, not only small number of players. And what is the biggest change in the game during the last year ?
actually it is not only for survilurgs introduction, first,introduction of over Powered faction class (it started before merge) second introduction of fsp bonus(say penalty) and third introduction of clan war(not survilurgs but PvP)
ofc third one is major since it make many poor and force them quit.
there is troubles in ukraine? many players from there?
:o, heavy attack on EW...
there is troubles in ukraine? many players from there?
that also one reason
so 8 clans own full district. administration must be release at least 2 more new map location for cooling down clan war, or else they lose small clan peoples.
best way is, Admins should increase defense per day.
something like 2 defense or 3 defense per facility.
Many clan have potential to hold full district. Add more map will force small clan fight each other at new map and stronger clan will stay peace (holding full district)

As you can see. Few clan with full district didn't attack other facility and they also don't lost any facility for very loong time. I don't think admin like this see this.

best is increase defend per facility as eddy said. But 3 defend per facility is too much. 1.5 defend per facility sholud be good enough to force some clan with 16+ facility to give up some facilities and concentrate defend on their "main home"

Sorry for bad english xD
may be def per facility depends on number of facility that clan hold, if more number get more defend, some kind of slab system, if clan hold more than 16 they get something near to 3 per facility attack :P
for Poison Ivy:

best solution so far. Incremental number of attacks based on number of facilities owned.
Also, LEAVE OUT fury barbs from attacking AI... They are sick at higher levels...
may be def per facility depends on number of facility that clan hold, if more number get more defend, some kind of slab system, if clan hold more than 16 they get something near to 3 per facility attack :P

It already exists: (Point 5)

if clan hold more than 16 they get something near to 3 per facility attack :P
Don't have much data here but if 3 defenses per facility, it actually beats the purpose. can only have a loss from such facilities since daily income from facility will be less than defense rewards :s
It's not all about the money. Defenses also give fsp and armaments so it kind of beats the income-outcome logic
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