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Authorbattle payment
are you allow to be paid 500+ gold for every battle supposedly as "thank you money"? if you can't answer directly please post link to the rules about this for me please
well, it depends on who's paying you and what the situation is.
e.g. it's illegal to get payed for joining a gb with low ap and losing as it would be staged combat. Note, that the rule that has been broken here would be staged combat and not the gold it self. as long as gold remains within gift limits it's ok.
but in the survilog event it's ok for MCs to gift players for participating in event combats. (note that the amount has to be within gift limits).
alright, what are the gift limits just out of curiosity?
3.20. Any kind of payment for combat is forbidden.
#2: Trying to use gift rules to get around rule 3.20 would also be illegal and likely to attract a very harsh penalty.
3.20. Any kind of payment for combat is forbidden. Rewarding or promising reward for losing, entering or quitting combat will be considered as paid-for combat. Payment for assist in hunt is not considered violation. Make sure to add corresponding comments to the transfer. Such payments cannot exceed the total gold equivalent of looted gold and resources.

You may pay for hunt assists only. The exception to payments for battles are for the survilurgov battles only, but there are strict rules regarding that - https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=2035386&page=6#32240395

For any other type of battle, payment is forbidden.
alright thanks i was just looking at
is there a way to report him in any way?
No you can't.

He is paying for the Surviligs event. That is acceptable.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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