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Guys ! its alexanderthelit
some one has hacked/taken my account .... The password has changed aapparently, , and I cant reset it , my e-mail is hacked/taken as well .... So no pms there , Pm me here
I made this with a different e-mail .

What can I do to return my account ? I worked real hard on it , and I was almost going to join A&D ... Should I forget it ? and get a multi , and consider this account the main ?
Please contact the seceretary .. or any admins for help...
:( so is there any chance to return the account ? :(
https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4 , very minor chance.. , sorry for you.. even if you retain , you will have to start all over again. from 0 gold
Not by a long shot
PM secretary, if you get a reply, u might have a chance
But its like 1 in a 100
I have no choice , but to make a new account ,start from scratch ....
I was never lucky in this game any way ...
i will be more than happy to help you , if you need help pm me.
I have done a new account , with the help of a friend : Lord KD

The name is : The-Chosen1
Shower me with advices please . NONIN

consider these two accounts DEAD

I am 101% sure that our herald Arctic will help you.
herald arctic is rarely active , so try to pm his playing account - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4719
The-Chosen1 recognised as the owner of the two accounts.
Email changed to the one specified for The-Chosen1.
Passwords reset for all three.
Thank you so much arctic , but one more thing , Alexanderthelit was registered to an old e-mail , and i didnt pick an e-mail for the-chosen1 ... Please help me recover them as well ! but i think the-chosen1 was to the one nonin was picked . Please help !
i reread the message , but I did not receive passwords for alexanderthelit , nor the-chosen1
Please , i still did not recieve password for other two ! and its not the same
Everything was going so well........ I forgot about alexanderthelit , what use is it if i have to start from scratch ? 0 gold !!! i didnt receive e-mail for other two chars , WHY^ ?!??!?!!? -_- i might as well quit ...
You should use the password recovery service yourself -_-
I APOLOGIZE FOR BEING SUCH A &*%# It didn't work earlier , Arctic , you are an awesome person , if I wasn't 13 , and a boy, I would have married you ! ( weird I know ) thanks a lot ! best support ever !Yay !
(still not using alexanderthelit though)
Player banned by moderator Arctic until 2013-10-14 20:02:49 // Careful, caps/emotions overflow.
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Flood, offtopic]
Player banned by moderator Arctic until 2013-10-14 20:17:47 // Flood in Q&H
Arctic , you are an awesome person , if I wasn't 13 , and a boy, I would have married you ! ( weird I know ) thanks a lot ! best support ever !Yay !
(still not using alexanderthelit though)

I just kept watching that sentence.

closed by Arctic (2013-10-14 20:02:08)
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