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Author[FAQ] Into the Wilderness
(Open chest)
ElfMoon found 50 diamond!
What chest?
If mc's are judged based on number of bosses killed then it'l be kinda bad. Cuz i mainly played battles to contribute to mc points rather than kill bosses.
have you noticed the MC rankings on the left side of the event page ....?
Now Top 15 MC rankings become bold
For elf 007

Dont take it serious, it was a joke = =
no news but event arts are distributed :P
The announcement has been made, the event has been completed.

The discussion can now move away from Q&H to the GGF - https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=2106756

Hope you enjoyed it :)
closed by Corey (2013-10-30 17:33:50)
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