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AuthorHow to flirt with girls ^^
Anything is accepted as an answer? Even silly ones :p
use your eternal mangekyo sharingan to capture the girl in the world of tsukoyomi and then you can hit her with all the pick up lines you have got in those 72 hours , and finally when the jutsu ends , she would just stagger and sway , catch her before she fall and youve made your catch of the day 3:)
however i am sure , there is someone somewhere who will say

man! kids play this game
but bah

let him ,

btw if you are looking for serious tips , i'd say your best shot is gettin one to chat with you (online), keep a straight character for a few days and then move in for the kill, next time when you see her , she will definitely make a beeline for you 3:)
Hey man
I heard that online chat is worst
well if you know the girl in real life and have not spoken to her at any instance,you know , actual face to face , one on one conversation. you can flirt exceptionally well over chat that's a tried out tactic and always works . and poor jokes are bound to help you get close 3:)
Give them a potato
If you got confidence one look in the eye's of a girl can be enough to make it clear what you're after. NEVER look away when a girl is "staring" at you.
try blushing if she's staring at you :P
well if you know the girl in real life and have not spoken to her at any instance,you know , actual face to face , one on one conversation. you can flirt exceptionally well over chat that's a tried out tactic
worked out for me a lot of times
Most important thing is not to be afraid of girls:)

To have the courage to look at them (right in their eyes), to be assertive and to seem to be certain in things you say and questions you ask.
Step one: Just go over and talk to them (if you want a to opportunity you need to do it in to. Do it online and you will only have a pretend relationship so avoid this)

Step two: No matter how you feel inside act confidently.

Step three: ask her questions (how are you? What did you do yesterday? Did you see xyz? Do you like xyz? etc.) AND listen to her replies.

Step four: Don't try and be friends. If she sees you as a friend that is all you will ever be. If you want more avoid this trap.

Step five: Be attentive and compliment her.

Step six: Don't try too hard but take any opportunities to meet again.

Step seven: Enjoy yourself, you won't be successful every time but each time you will learn and improve your chances for next time.
*stupid phone spell check automatically replaced "rl" with "to" in step one :(
DiN the flirt master :)

Did you see xyz? Do you like xyz?
well, xyz went offline at 18:26, 2013-07-28 and was never seen again. so don't go there, kids.
Flirts from pokemasters.

"Do you wanna battle? 'Cuz my balls are at the ready!"
"My love for you burns like a Charizard's tail."
"Want to register your number in my PokeDex?"
"When I'm around you, I am like a Geodude, as hard as a rock!"
"I've got Masterballs baby."
"Are you a RARE CANDY? 'cuz I feel a level-up."
"If you were a Pokemon, I'D CHOOSE YOU!"
"Your more beautiful than a Beautifly."
"Let's have a Togepi of our own!"
"My Kadabra just used Future Sight, and it looks like we've got a future together."
"How would you like to see my viridian forest, well it's not really viridian."
"You're such a good catch, i think i'll use my only MASTER BALL on you."
"Squirtle isn't the ONLY one that can use water gun. - wink -"
"Don't make me use Water Gun all over you!"

Have fun pokechampions.
good one lycanthrope :D

however I din understand the last 4 excluding the masterball one.the other 3 stumped me
lycanthrope pal you just handed me dangerous weapons
flirt with chlorophorm, gets you a girl every time ;)
flirt with chlorophorm, gets you a girl every time ;)

Along with the cops behind, aside, in front of you ! :P
not in the chem lab though 3:) its perfectly legal there
be a dark demon and recruit temptress
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