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AuthorHunt Achievement Reward
Like Title said,

I think we got a little reward(like gold/hunter artifact) if we Beat Previous Top Hunter(get bronze/silver/gold hunt medal).

That will make us, try harder to beat TOP Hunter.

Example :
Level 10 Wizard :
Top Hunter on Goblin
Gold : 50k Goblin
Silver : 48k Goblin
Bronze : 47k Goblin

I'm finally beat 49k Goblin, so i got Silver Medal on Goblin Hunt. According to System, that will update once in 24 hours, after that I get reward Silver Prize.

In addition new creatures, the reward is disable until 1 month after that creature release.(to prevent multiple reward prize)

It's just my idea. :)

happy hunting
Great idea!!

good one :)

In addition new creatures, the reward is disable until 1 month after that creature release.(to prevent multiple reward prize)

This was the best part of your idea.

I have thought about this but i get stuck on new creatuese.


but time span for new createure maybe 2-3 months maybe
+1 great ideea
Actually, it is rational.
if you think the current reward is not high enough, simply do not try to beat it.
i am tired of seeing difficult hunts appear as a white hunt because some silly russian did beat a ridicilous amount of creatures in full enchants.
Hunt records mostly depend on luck (amount of enemy stacks, etc) and artifacts and not on skill.

It takes a lot of skill and gold plus a little luck to win so nice idea.
- 1
Maybe for hard hunts get 3x more gold its realistic idea bigger army can guard more gold than small army.

Maybe we should start by actually removing hunt achievements from players that are banned or BOW'd.

superb idea!
For #14 : maybe as already in https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1997532
3. Introduce monthly record system (HG,MG) and rewards for such records

Monthly records would address blocked players if admins implement this. As the suggestion is for the 'highest ever' records though it would be unfair to removed blocked players records as often they may be unblocked again later, sometimes months or years later.
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