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If lordswm shuts down...

AuthorIf lordswm shuts down...
How would you feel if lords of war and money closes?
i will come down with a machine gun search for u and shoot. i have waited tooo long for elf alt to stop playing now. damn tooo long
I'd miss it for a while, but after some time, it would be better.
i must thanks to God
I'd miss it for a while, but after some time, it would be better.
my wife would be the happiest women in the world :)
Till then lwm is running , its impossible for me to stop playing
So If lordswm shuts down , then finally i can have a life :3
I'd start a facebook campaign urging admins to restart the game.

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I won't have any problem even if this game shuts:<)
my wife would be the happiest women in the world :)

lol seems this situation persists in many families ;-)
i will come down with a machine gun search for u and shoot ROFL

I won't have any problem even if this game shuts:<) after all , you are level 7

I'd miss it for a while, but after some time, it would be better. Yup, it's true.
But I wonder if I would switch to some other community game. :/
How would you feel if lords of war and money closes? about the same as I would feel if water was no longer wet :p lol
I dont care about the game shutting Down ...... All i need is roulette ;) :) :P :D I would switch to some other game with roulette . ;)
if this shuts down, i can spend more time on other important things...
but my stupid mind will soon find another addictive game like this :(
lordswm shutting down...

"you may take away our lives, but you will never take our FREEDOM"
I'd go installing homm3. It's been a while since I last played single player.
if this game shuts down
i would just divert my mind to my girlfriend and coc :)
I'd start a facebook campaign urging admins to restart the game.

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if this shuts down, i can spend more time on other important things...
but my stupid mind will soon find another addictive game like this :(

me too
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