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Author[ICC] Census - LWM
Dear Lords and Ladies,

Since the most recent departure of Arctic that our community has been struggling with a number of issues, the most important ones pertaining to the lack of an admin assistant in .com. This is of course not within our power to change, but nevertheless we can and should do our best to counter the negative effects of Arctic’s departure.

Thus, and in an attempt to prevent the decline in total number of active players and active Military Clans, the International Community Council is proud to bring you the first Census in our community. This Census aims to collect enough data to help both the ICC and the active Military Clans to reorganize the community, and also pave the way to the implementation of a Tutoring Program.

We urge everyone to participate. The more answers we receive, the better picture we’ll have of how our community is currently shaped, and what can be done to significantly improve the general experience of LWM.

You can find the form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HBfQHFU9f-_2_IsgzHmQXv1iUw1J44BKa204dxcTvyE/viewform

Thank you for your time, and if you have any questions or doubts, please express them below.

With our deepest gratitude,
The ICC Secretary Team
This Census aims to collect enough data to help both the ICC and the active Military Clans to reorganize the community, and also pave the way to the implementation of a Tutoring Program.

So the duty of Census is to collect only data?
To be specific , Which type of datas for example?
Form Sumbitted:)
So the duty of Census is to collect only data?
To be specific , Which type of datas for example?

check this link :P
submitted !! :)
To be specific , Which type of datas for example?

quantify and qualify how many .com players want to play facility defense and other types of MC battles, to what extent can the Military Clans be reorganized to respond to players expectations, and how many players wish to be tutored and how many are willing to tutor.
it's basically this, and not necessarily by that order. players are also welcome to drop comments, suggestions and/or ideas of their own.
I am not in any MCs nor do I plan to join them (due to RL obligations), so should I just ignore or select 'None' for MC oriented questions ?
for Loafoant:
should I just ignore or select 'None' for MC oriented questions ?
none is fine, since you don't plan to join. but if you see yourself becoming a MC member in the future, you're welcome to specify which ones you'd be pleased to join
for Lord Syrian:
for Santremus:

Thanks for the response :) Form submitted
Form submitted

thank you :)
Please share the info about this Census around you, via whatever means you use other than this forum (skype, ingame chat, etc.) We intend to adress the .com playerbase as widely as possible, and not just the few who roam on this forum.

For greatness !
done! :D
Also submitted.
PS: I don't know how useful is this thread for those players who barey log in and (almost) never check forum, so the input will be based only by the active com players.
Anyway, good luck in your ICC action!
57 answers so far :)

to those of you who are Leaders/Heralds in clans, kindly forward this link there. Every answer counts!
Done, sir :D
to those of you who are Leaders/Heralds in clans, kindly forward this link there. Every answer counts!

I know that you have the best intentions at heart but I think it is better to be frank here. I am sorry but I will only send this to the EFL members or clan members of other clans I am part of if I see the ICC actually making changes/trying to make changes/being able to make changes. This might be an unfair criticism but as a player, I am not aware of anything done by the ICC in the recent past to make things more fun for the .com community. I might be ignorant or maybe you guys have been trying to make positive changes behind the scene. If ICC does make significant contributions towards the betterment of .com players this time around, I will gladly mass PM the surveys to the clan members in future.

As a responsible player, I responded to the survey. I also believe in the existence of ICC and in the importance of its role. I don't discourage other heralds/leaders of the clans I am part of to send the link to the survey to the clan members. If Pat or crys or any of the players I respect feel that ICC has been making significant contributions/attempts, I encourage them to forward the link.
This census is also a starting point for us to make improvements *in the right direction*
So we need to spam it.
No need to discuss this further :o)
This census is also a starting point for us to make improvements *in the right direction*
Well, if you admit this is a starting point, I will send it to all EFL members. But in the spirit of transparency, I want to let you know that I will mention that ICC representatives/members claim this is a starting point for us to make improvements *in the right direction* and that the clan members are free to make their own choices whether to believe you or not. I will not endorse the survey or let it be implied that EFL is.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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