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I need some clarification on market. Is it illegal to prevent traders making profit at market by placing a trade that equals to no gain or losses? Example: Item 1: A puts in a trade at 3000(he'll get 970 after subtracting cost n commission) then comes B puts in a trade at 2021(he'll get nothing after subtracting cost n commission) *Item 1 cost 2000
On the contrary, player A could get fined/suspended for intending to abuse players.
(if I'm not mistaken)
No, it's not illegal.
Derelict...If it was done over n over again, only then it's considered player abuse right?
Lord Hallion91...according to capitalist rule, it's legal but here does it still apply where people are being shut out of the market?
Well, I personally haven't seen any communist market.

Anyway, according to this game's rules, any price you set on the market is valid as long as it's not too low or too high compared to the average selling price of the specific object. And even this rule is an unwritten rule (yes, we have these too in this game), can't find it here https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=5 .
Lord Hallion91...seems 1.5.2 The Administration keeps a right to cease access to the game to any player who hinders the gameplay, deceives or swindles other lawful players. might apply from my point of view...what's your opinion?
Nope, marketting is a lawful part of the game. Even now, people are selling even cheaper than their original cost (not even with the tax added) and it's normal.
ooo...ok then, I can assume that the example I gave is legal even though it can be abused n still be considered ok...correct me if I'm wrong ^_^
what I mean is that any interpretation of the market whether it be right or wrong will be deem legal
Right and wrong is a matter of opinion. Legal and not legal is not.
Try selling something too high to make a profit and you'll see what happens. Being undercut by someone who is *not* Dumping can never be wrong.
ok...last call for any other opinion on this
It is legal.

Those trades are illegal:
* Many trades involving additional chars.
* Trades considerably over or under market price. If you for instance post a wooden sword for 1,000,000 gold and your friend buys it. Any transfer of wealth between two players is considered a gift and are usually considered especially bad because it is an obvious attempt to conceal it.

I might have forgotten something, but I think all other trades at the market are legal.
I see...when the main and additional chars are in cahoot to rip of other sellers, it's illegal.
i always selling items with loss in gold.

Look here:

Example 1: Leather Helmet

i buying it for 640 gold.
i selling for 635 gold (-8 commision = 627 gold).
So i lose 13 gold every one transaction.

You can ask : WHY?

Reason of this is here:
Laborers' guild: 9 (14634) +2366

Level 9 give me 2.6 productivity (due to experience tables) - https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=10

Wage in factory are 180 gold.

180 x 2.6 = 468 gold income

Compare to Nickel factory with wage 140
140 x 2.6 = 364 gold income

= i receive 104 gold more when i buy item and enroll in Leather Helmet Factory than i enroll in Nickel Works.
104 - (5 gold cheaper + 8 commission) = 104 - 13 = 91 gold more per enroll

So i buy lether helmet, i sell it with loss.
And i still in profit that similiar enroll in lower level facility.
Keep in mind, that enrolls are counted in hundreds. This make difference.
Yes, all actions by additional chars that in any way can affect the main char, or the clan that the main char belongs to, are illegal.

Personally, I'm of the opinion that additional chars shouldn't do any transactions in the market at all.

3.9. Additional characters created for any kind of support to the main one ("extrachars" later on), (e.g. resource and artifact keeping, trading, assists in combat or finance) are forbidden. All extrachars found will be blocked, and the owner will be subject to penalty or block.

3.10. It is allowed to create additional characters to familiarize yourself with features of other factions. Additional character must be completely independent; remember, that extrachars created for financial profiting of the main character in any way are blocked without hesitation. One player may have up to 3 characters (one main and two extras).
Example 2 (on author level compared to my one):

Dragongrip jewellery - with wage 210.

You can buy "Dragongrip ring" for 2,968 gold.

You selling it for 2998 gold with 30 commistion. This make no income.

You have Laborers Guild level 1 with productivity od 1.1x
Level 2 will give you 1.2x

Level 1: 210 x 1.1 = 231 gold income
Level 2: 210 x 1.2 = 252 gold income
Level 9: 210 x 2.6 = 546 gold income

Compare to mines with 171 wage:
Level 1: 171 x 1.1 = 188 gold income
Level 2: 171 x 1.2 = 205 gold income
Level 9: 171 x 2.6 = 444 gold income

As you can see, i can sell this item with loss of 50 gold and i still earn more money that enroll in mines.

Same as You - is better to sold item with loss, but enroll in factory...

i hope this show You some light about enrolls ;)

PS. Situation are little different when You get workaholic penalty.
There have been instances where additional players who mass sell resources below market prices have been blocked. If the standard price for wood on the market seems to be 180 - Additional players who sell at 178 consistantly are usually reported by the Russian players in their forum. I am aware of additional players being blocked for this, but not any main accounts.

I think you will find that for most shop arts, they are already being sold at a loss because people like LITWIN make their money off enrolling in production facilities so they can afford a small loss at the market as they are still making a profit. At times where players are making large profits it is usually during an event when there is a shortage of an item, (such as maskrobes). Undercutting them at these times might not make much sense as they will just get snapped up due to the shortage.
LITWIN...you must be from the welfare department as you're very generous and charitable. The problem lies when a main and it's multiple account try to rig the market in their favour.
Plain and simple: the main and alt characters may never, under any circumstance, be involved in the same activity or each other. Be it transfers, battle, tavern game, markets, personal trades, etc.

In other words, they cant even peek over the fence at each other even though they're neighbors.
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